Happiness And Heartache

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We left Tionne's house off to wherever she was taking me
Me-So baby, where are we going
Tionne- It's a surprise baby
Me-(Pouts) I know it is, but I wanna know baby because you know I'm impatient
Tionne-(Giggles a little) Yes I do baby but for this one time you have to be, ok(grabs, and kisses   my hand)
Me-Ok baby(Still pouting)
We drove for another 15 minutes before we reached the surprise in which she made me close my eyes while she helped me out of the car
Tionne-(Covering my eyes) Ok baby just walk slowly, I got you
Me-Ok Tionne, but you better not let me fall
Tionne-Baby I won't, I promise, you don't have much further to go
Finally we reached the spot Tionne was so excited to take me to
Me-Ok baby, can I open my eyes yet
Tionne-(Removes hand) Yes beautiful, open your eyes
When I opened my eyes I saw the most beautiful scenery I have ever seen before
Me-Oh my goodness baby this is gorgeous, I have never seen this place before, where are we
Tionne-A place I started coming to since I found out about Chanelle myself, and used it to clear my head, but then it just became part of my everyday thinking spot, but you see that spot over there (points to a piece of land across the field) one day I'm gonna put a house there so I can live by the ocean
Me-(Intertwine our hands) Baby that's incredible, and who knows maybe we will be married, and raising a family there too, would you be into that
Tionne(Turns towards me,and lifts up my face to hers)Of course beautiful, I would definitely be into that because my future is nothing without you in it(leans in,and kisses me slow, and passionately)
We stood, and kissed for longtime until my phone rung, and interrupted us
Me-(Answers phone)Hello
Ro-(Crying)Zaza, I need you right now
Me-(Gets worried) Ok Rozanda,  tell me exactly where you are
Ro-At the park by my house
Me-Ok boo, I'm on way, don't move
Ro-(Still crying) Ok, I won't, but please hurry
Me-Ok boo, I will(hangs up phone)Baby we got to go
Tionne-What's wrong baby,  is everything alright
Me-(Shruggs) I don't know,  that was Rozanda calling me crying
Tionne-Ok wow, just tell me where to go
Me-To the Wild Oaks park
Tionne-I know exactly where that is, let's go
We got in the car, and headed straight to the park, and once we arrived, I saw Rozanda sitting on one of the picnic tables,  I jumped out the car, and ran straight to her
Me-Im here RoRo, tell me what's wrong(grabbing, and hugging her)
Ro-(Cries even harder on my shoulder)He cheated on me Zaza, he really cheated on me
Me-(Hugs her even tighter) I'm so sorry boo
Ro-But Za that's not all(pulling away from me)
Me-What else happened Ro, (looking her all over until I saw her eye)I knew that muthafucka didn't hit you did he
Ro-(Shakes her head yes) He hit me when I confronted him about it just a few minutes ago
Me-(Mad) Oh my God Ro!Where the fuck is he now
Ro-(Shruggs,and starts crying again) I don't know
Me-(Grabs, and hugs her again) I'm so sorry boo, come on, let's get you home
Ro-No, my mom is there with that man again,  can I just come to your house
Me-Sure boo, come on
So we all just went to my house and once in we all went up to my room, and talked more with Ro while she laid her head in my lap
Me-(Massaging her scalp) So tell me what exactly happened
Ro- Well, remember the party after the game
Me-Yes I do
Ro- Well it started that night, it was this girl named Terri, she was the one who kept bumping into me when we were dancing, not knowing at that moment
Me-So how,and when did you find out
Ro- I found out about it yesterday,because we had just got done having sex, and I went to go freshend up,and then he went in after me, and so as I was getting dressed his phone started going off with text messages, and so I picked it up, and started reading them, and next thing I know naked pictures, and videos started popping up of them together, and in bed,with her talking about, last night was so awesome big daddy, I can't wait to do more of this with you tonight
I was so upset I sent everything to my phone, and left, and so this morning I decided to confront him,but after school, in which I did after going to get all your homework, which is in my backpack by the way, but anyway, I went to talk to him in the parking lot, and pulled my phone to show him everything, we got into a screaming match, and next I know is I'm falling to the ground,and he's getting in his car driving off
I was so hurt, and embarrassed that I just got up, and started running which is how I ended up at the park
Me-Wow Ro, that was a long way for you to be running, but I'm so sorry boo,come here (Hugging her)
I hugged her as tightly as I could as she cried more
It took a couple of hours but I was finally able to get her calmed down, in which she fell asleep so me, and Tionne went downstairs to watch a movie, and to actually eat because we were really hungry
Once done eating, and watching the movie, we fell asleep on the couch but was woken up by my dad who came in for a quick shower and change of clothes because he was once again heading back to work
Dad-(Gently shakes me awake) Hey babygirl, wake up
Me-Hmm(opening my eyes) Hey dad
Dad-Hey babygirl, and who is this if I might ask(looking at Tionne)
Me-Oh sorry dad, yes this is Tionne, Tionne this is my dad, but you can call him Mr. Darwin
Dad-Nice to meet you young lady(sticks out his hand for a handshake) your mom did tell me about her,nice to finally meet you
Tionne-(Shakes my dad's hand) It's nice to meet you too Mr Darwin
Dad-Well I was just coming to say goodnight, I'm off to the hospital again, love you babygirl
Me-(Gets up,and hugs my dad)
Goodnight dad, I love you too, and hope you have a great shift
Dad-(Kisses my forehead) Thanks babygirl, and here's a card for you to order you girls some food, and your mom phoned me earlier telling me she had to go out of town for a week for her job, and I also will be going out of town straight from the hospital in the morning for our medical conference
So I want you to be safe ok, and if need be go to your aunts if you get to scared being here alone
Me-Ok daddy, but I'm sure I will be fine, but just incase is it cool if Rozanda, and Tionne stay here with me
Dad-Ummm babygirl I'm not sure about that
Me-Please daddy(puppy dog eyes) I promise we will behave ourselves
Dad-Awe babygirl you know I can't say no to you when you give me those puppy eyes, but ok sure it's fine they can stay, but they got to get permission from their parents too
Me-(Smiling) Ok daddy,  thank you, thank you, and I will be sure they ask their parents
Dad-Ok then babygirl I'm going now, I will call to check on you later
Me-Ok daddy,  bye
Dad-Bye babygirl
He kissed my forehead one more time ,and then left for work
I went back, and laid back on the couch with Tionne as she put on another movie in which then Rozanda came down calling my name in which I got up,and walked to her
Me-Im here Ro, what's wrong boo
Ro-Za, I don't feel so well,
Me-Ok come sit down, and let me get you something to drink
Rozanda sat down on the couch next to Tionne which then Tionne begins to rub her back
I then walk over to her ,and gave her the glass of ginger ale I made for her
Me-(Hands her the glass) Here boo,drink this, it should help
She starts to drink it but pauses
Ro-Za, I got something to tell you,please don't be mad
Me-(Looking at her concerned) What is it Ro
Ro-(Starts crying) I'm pregnant Za
Me-(Shocked) Ro! Oh no! I thought you said yall was using protection
Ro-We were, but just once we didn't, which I figured I would be ok because I'm on the pill, but I have missed a dose
Me-Ro, boo, you know you still need both no matter what,
So now what are you going to do about your scholarship
Ro-I know Za, and I don't know, how could I be so damn stupid,  my mom is going to kill me, Zaza I can't go home, I can't tell my mom, and break her heart
Me-(Hugs her) I know boo, but Ro you have too, you can't run away from this, and your gonna need help with that baby
Tionne-(Grabs my hand) Come with me for a second
I walked with Tionne upstairs
Me-Whats up baby
Tionne-Za look, I know you, and Rozanda been bestfriends forever, and I'm the new person in this circle
But I think you should take it a little more easier on your bestfriend
Me-(Confused) What do you mean Tionne
Tionne-Let her chill out here for a couple of days, your dad already said it's ok, and then take her home to tell her mom
Me-(Sighs) But baby, this is some serious shit, abuse, and a baby, I don't know anything about this or how even to help her
Tionne-(Wraps her arms around my waist) I know it is baby, but right now all she needs is love, and support from her bestfriend, and new friend, I'm not leaving you alone in this, ok
Me-(Kisses Tionne)Ok baby, and thank you, and you are absolutely right, let's go be there for our friend,
But how crazy is it that this shit would happen when both my parents have to go out of town
Tionne-(Kisses me)I know boo, but I got you like you got Rozanda, now let's go give her some comfort
So we went back downstairs only to find Rozanda no longer sitting on the couch
I then started walking around calling her name
Me-RoRo, where are you boo
Ro-(Making gagging sounds) In here
I heard her say coming from the hallway bathroom
Me-(Walk to the door) Awe boo, are you ok in there
Ro-Yes, well, no(Starts crying)
Me, and Tionne go in the bathroom, and helped Ro to get cleaned up, and then helped her back upstairs to my room, and put her in bed, and then made a place down on the floor   for me, and Tionne to sleep
I then put my trash bucket by the bed, and sat her a glass of ginger ale on the side table
I sat, and watched Rozanda all night until Tionne woke up
Tionne-Baby what's wrong, have you even been sleep yet
Me-No(sighs) Baby I can't, I'm so worried, and scared for my friend
Next thing I know, I burst into tears,and Tionne hurried, and grabbed me, holding me tight to her chest, kissing my forehead, assuring me things will be ok
Now I'm not sure if it was the magic in Tionne's soft forehead kisses, her tight hug, or her assurance, but just like that, I was out like a light

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