Ro's Thunderstorm prt 2

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I woke up to loud shouting and chaos and hurried to put my robe on and ran down the hall to the living area to see what was going on
Me-(Walking into the living area) What is going on (concerned now)
Ruben- It's Ro' (sighs) She's been like this for an hour, screaming and breaking things
It started in the bedroom, then the hallway, and now the kitchen
Me-Fuck, I knew this would happen
Where is Tionne and Chase
Ruben- Tionne took her to your mom's, and said she will be back
Sister please help her because nothing I have tried has worked
Me- Ok, I got it
I then walk into the kitchen watching my step so I wouldn't step on any glass
Me-RoRo boo( slowly walking towards her while she's busy looking for more shit to break)
Boo what are you doing(reaches for her arm, and turns her to face me)You can't break all the dishes or we won't have nothing to eat off of or drink out of(pulling her closer to me and hugging her tight as she cries)
Ro-(Screams)Why! Why!(crying harder)
This is not fair!(pulls away from me grabbing a coffee mug and got ready to throw it)
Me-Ro no!(Stops her from throwing it and yanks her out the kitchen)I know your hurt , and upset, but destroying the house is not the answer
Ro- I don't fucking care!
Fuck you , fuck this house! Fuck everything! (Cries harder & hyperventilating)
Me-(Grabs her and hugs her)Calm down Ro, breath baby,listen to me(breathes slowly)
She followed my breathing and finally calmed down
Ro-(Hugs me tightly)I'm so sorry Za, I didn't mean it
Me-(Hugs her tighter)I know boo, it's ok, come on
Ruben-Here sis, let me
Me- Ok(let's him pick up Ro, and take her upstairs)
I followed them to see what damage Ro did all upstairs and gasped seeing everything broken
Before I could say anything he came back out the room
Ruben-Don't worry sis, I will clean it all up, and get it all replaced
Me- No we have people that will come and professionally clean up and I will take care of the replacements
You just go take care of my sister ok
Ruben-(Hugs me and kisses my forehead) Ok sis, I love you
Me- I love you too bro, now go tend to your wife
He goes back to Ro and I then left and went back downstairs
Once downstairs I went to my room for my phone to call the cleaning service and then called my dad and told him about everything and what all needed to be replaced in which he told me he would take care of it
Once off the phone I just laid across the bed in deep thought and trying to figure out how to really help Ro with this
I guess I was in real deep thought because I didn't hear Tionne come in and talking to me until she climbed on top of me, which caused me to laugh
Me- Baby(laughs) why are you sitting on me
Tionne-(Bounces on me)Because you didn't respond to me when I called you
Me-(Laughs harder)Get off of me, and I'm sorry,
I was just thinking about how to really help her
Tionne-(Gets off of me and turns me over to face her)Don't stress yourself baby, all we can do is give her our best ok
She has to go through this grieving process the best way she can
Me-Yeah, I get it, but her destroying our home is not ok during this process
Tionne- I understand that baby, but right now she's in her anger/disbelief stage, which is the hardest stage
Remember how I was
Me-(Sits up) Yes baby, but you left the house and went outside and broke up shit that nobody cared about
Tionne-Baby but still, even though I left, tell me how I was when I came back in
Me-(Sighs) Still angry
So if you can love me and be patient with me, then you can do the same for our sister right
Me-(Sighs again) Right
Tionne-Now there's my girl, now give me a kiss beautiful
Me-(Smiles and leans in to kiss her) I love you
Tionne-And I love you beautiful (pushes me back down on the bed and climbs between my legs)
She then leans down kissing me deeply swallowing my tongue
I couldn't help but moan into her mouth
We of course was immediately in our famous hot and heavy make out sessions until I sat up realizing the door was wide open and both Ruben and Ro was standing at the door
Me-(Pushes Tionne off of me and goes over to them)Hey boo(hugs Ro)are you ok
Ro-Yeah for now, Ruben's about to take me out for a minute and so I wanted to kiss my baby before we leave out
Tionne- Oh yeah, Mama has him, and I just dropped Chase off over there too
Ro- Oh ok, Thank you Tionne and you boo
Me&Tionne- Your welcome
Ro-Well we will be back shortly
Me-(Hugs her) Ok boo, I love you
Ro-I love you too
They then left in which Tionne picked me up carrying me into our bathroom and sitting me on the counter
Me-Baby what are you doing
Tionne- Taking care of my wife who is deeply worried about her sister, and needs to soak in a hot bath with me and relax
Me-(Smiles)This is why I love you, and I can get with that(kisses her)
Tionne- And I love you more(kisses me again)
She runs the bath putting in bath salts, 4 different oils, bubble bath, and rose petals with milk and honey liquid
Once the bath was ready she then came over and got me down off the counter slowly undressing me while giving me sweet kisses
Once completely naked I returned the favor and undressed her
She then took my hand stepping in first and then me following leaning up against her once I'm fully in
She then grabbed the remote turning on some soft music and dimming the lights
We relaxed with her singing in my ear and holding me and placing sweet kisses on my shoulder and the side of my neck
We were in the tub for about an hour and decided to wash up each other and get out with her drying me off and oiling my skin as I did her
We soon made it to the bed as she laid me down gently and begin to kiss me slow and sensual causing electricity to flow through my body
I felt myself becoming aroused and was ready for her in which she really took her time with me and my body really making me feel so good and explode from the inside out
She kissed me from my lips on my face to the lips on my pussy and then fully taking me in her mouth and already have my eyes rolling to the back of my head
It seems I had lost count of all of my orgasms, but let's just say that last one literally knocked me out cold and I was dead to the world
Tionne then turned everything off and then pulled back the covers and picked me up and laid me down and then got in pulling the covers up over us and pulling me on to her chest kissing my forehead and was sleep in minutes

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