The Perfect Storm: Final Part

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Warnings: canon violence, canon language, canon talk of death, methods of kill, talk of being raped at age ten, very implicit rape at age ten, talk of no one believing that the rape happened, rape trauma


You head back to your team who is talking about Joey's dad and the storage unit.

"Joe's dad? Isn't he in a wheelchair, though?" Spencer asks.

"Only for the last two years. Henry Davin could have raped and killed the first two women three years ago, then brought in Joe and Tony to continue his work."

"Maybe it's the only satisfaction he can get. Now they record it, and he lives it through them."

"So it was a team of three."

"Team of four including Amber," you correct. "We did find Laura Clemensen's hair at Henry's house. It makes sense."

"Let's take a ride. Let's go."

Gideon, Derek, and Detective Portillo leave the station in search of the storage unit. You would have gone with, but you want to keep an eye on Amber in case she decides to make a move–if she does.

"Tony Canardo's one sick bastard. I'm not surprised mother abandoned him when he was four, and then she got clean and got him back until he was eleven when she got busted for prostitution," Elle scoffs.

"No wonder he hates women," JJ comments.

"He bounced around social services after that. I mean, this guy never had any support, no foundation, and no security. How'd he get the confidence to pull off something like that?"

"Maybe that's why he needed a partner."

"But he's supposed to be the dominant one, the leader. And given his history... how can he do that?"

"It's because he's the submissive. Amber is the one in charge of this whole thing."

You peek out the window to see Amber fidgeting in her seat. She is clearly nervous, but about what? Somehow, you feel like Tiffany isn't in the storage unit. You would have told Hotch not to go, but you'd need more than a "feeling" to keep him from checking it out. Gideon pulls up the video of Amber talking to Tony to see if you can't spot something you didn't the first time.

"He's really playing a tough guy with you, isn't he?" Spencer says to you. "It wasn't antagonistic. It was defensive."

"Pull up Amber's tape," you order Spencer. You watch it for a few minutes before noticing something. "She isn't scared."

"She looks scared to me."

"No, you see how she looks at him in the eye? If she were afraid, she'd look anywhere but his face."

"She's looking at the victims, and she doesn't really... she doesn't seem that repulsed. She actually looks surprisingly calm."

"He's studying her. He's waiting for her lead," you say.

Your phone rings, and you answer it when you see it's Penelope calling you. You immediately put her on speakerphone.


"You guys have got to hear this."

Penelope plays the audio on her end, patching it through the phone.

"Now put that little bitch on her side. You like it, don't you? Dirty whore likes it."

Amber's voice is on the other line because Penelope has managed to separate the audio tracks to see who exactly is talking on the videos. You smirk and look at your team.

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