Legacy: Part One

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"Of all the preposterous assumptions of humanity, nothing exceeds the criticisms made of the habits of the poor by the well-housed, well-warmed, and well-fed." - Herman Melville

"Hannah, we're going to be late. Come on," you call out to her as you and Spencer get ready to face the day.


She rushes out of her room and fixes the belt on her clothes, the new clothes she got when you gave her that three hundred dollars. You pour your coffee into your thermos and cap it, grabbing your purse and slinging it over your shoulder.

"Alright, let's go. We don't want to be late, especially if I'm going to convince them to bring you along again."

You three head to your car, and before you know it, you're already peeling into the parking lot at work. The ride is short, but you don't mind the silence between you three. You grab your purse and thermos before heading into the building and up to your floor.

"Stay with Spencer. Let me talk to Gideon and Hotch."

You set your things down at your desk and head up the stairs to Gideon's office where he, Derek, and Hotch are watching old Charlie Chaplin movies in the dark. You knock on the door and make yourself known, smiling apologetically for ruining their movie.

"Gideon? Hotch? Can I talk to you?" you ask.

All three men look at you, and Derek knows he's overstayed his welcome. He excuses himself as Gideon turns off the movie. You step inside the office and close the door once Derek has left.

"I was wondering if I could bring Hannah along again? Her aunt is coming at the end of the month, which is next week, so this would be the last time she is going to be with us. I just feel she needs one more case in order to understand what she will be going through."

"We don't have an active case right now," Hotch says. "The other team is out."

"If a case does come up, could I bring her along? She'll be out of the way just like last time."

Both men look at each other and silently talk with their eyes. Hannah was good at staying out of the way and listening to you, and if this is the last week she is going to be here, they don't see an issue with bringing her along.

"Like I said last time, if she proves to be a hindrance, she will be on the next flight out."

"Yes, sir. Thank you."

You're about to leave when JJ appears suddenly and knocks on the door, grabbing everyone's attention.

"I might have something. You should come and see this."

She leads you three to the briefing room where the rest of the team is. Spencer took Hannah with him so she is also in the room. As soon as she sees you, she runs over to your side. There is also a new person there, someone you've never seen before. He has so much anxiety that he doesn't know what to do with it. He, Cal McGee, is from Kansas and has been working on the streets and making sure that the crime rate gets lower. However, he's noticed that more and more people are missing from the streets, and he's not doing anything about it.

"You aren't sure whether anyone is in fact missing?" Hotch asks Cal.

"No, I-I am sure. I just can't seem to convince anyone else of it," he sighs.

"There's been no official investigation?"


"Sixty-three people can't be a coincidence, right?" JJ asks.

"Sixty-three?" you gasp in shock. "That's one hell of a coincidence."

"Reid, any stats on the percentages of, well, I don't really know how to phrase the question," Derek says.

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