Fear and Loathing: Part Two

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warnings: talk about child rape, tw: rape, tw: pregnancy


The Mayor of Groton greets half your team when you arrive at the police station while the other half are at the coroner's office and crime scene. You're here with JJ, Hotch, Emily and Derek along with Mayor Greg Hughes and Detective Rick Ware.

"Agent Jareau, Gregory Hughes."

"Mayor Hughes," she smiles and shakes his hand.

"This is detective Rick Ware from the state police department. We haven't had a murder here in two years, you understand. This was way above our heads. So, we put Rick in charge."

"These are agents Gideon, Hotchner, Morgan, Y/N and Prentiss."

"I have to say that what's been happening here the last few weeks is just hard to fathom. I mean, we're thirty minutes from the city."

"What do you mean?" you ask.

"Well, this isn't the deep south. For the most part, these are sophisticated New Yorkers," Rick shares.

"Are you saying you don't think this is a race issue?" Derek wonders.

"All we're saying is whatever happened here is way out of the norm for this community. I wouldn't want you entering this investigation under assumptions that, well, aren't true."

"Fact is, we don't know what this is about yet. We need to concentrate on the double murder and make sure that it's the same killer, first of all."

"You mean there could be more than one?" the mayor gasps.

"We don't know that yet. All we do know is the threat sent to Sandra was written by an adolescent girl."

"You can tell that just from a half a page note?" Rick says, a little skeptical.

"It's straightforward profiling, sir," you say.

A random officer is seen standing on the outside of the group you're in, looking unsure of himself. He clearly wants to say something, but is too shy to speak up. You nudge Gideon and gesture to the man quietly.

"Is there a problem, officer?"

"Uh, there was a girl that we suspected at first, but then we talked to her and dismissed her."

"I'd like to meet her."

"I think it's a waste of time," Rick says.

"I'd like to decide that for myself."

"Call her back in," Rick says to the officer.

"Yes, sir."

The officer leaves, and he has the young girl back in the interrogation room in seconds. Rick escorts you over to her slowly, informing you about the note they found and what he thinks about it.

"Sandra showed us the note two weeks before she was killed. We asked around the school about who might have a grudge against her and Ken. The only girl's name that came up was Tonya Mathis. Rumor was Ken dumped her for Sandra, although Ken told me Tonya was never his girlfriend," Rick gossips like a schoolgirl.

"You said you talked to Tonya about the note. What'd she say?" you ask, keeping the topic on the note.

"She swore up and down that she had nothing to do with it. I find it pretty hard to believe she'd write a racist note."

"Why's that?"

"See for yourself."

Rick takes you into the room that connects to three different interrogation rooms with Tonya in one of them. She's a young black girl, and now you understand why Rick said what he said. That still doesn't mean she didn't write a racist note.

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