Ashes and Dust: Final Part

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With the unsub named, you can take it back to Penelope and find out where he lives. Hotch calls Detective Castro to let her know who it is, and she agrees to follow Evans while you and Hotch take care of Vincent. You called Penelope to gather his information while Hotch called Gideon to let him know.

"Gideon, he's not here," Derek says once Vincent's house was cleared but police.

There are files and papers about the people he has killed, and they all came from the EDF website that Evan had put up.

"He got the company names from the EDF website, then he watched the offices until he found employees that suited his taste."

"He just left," Emily says, coming back from a neighbor's house. "A neighbor saw him leave. He's a pharmaceutical sales rep, and he's been living here since his divorce six weeks ago."

"That must be the stressor."

Derek's phone rings and he answers it after seeing it was Penelope calling.

"Yeah, talk to me. ... Yeah I'll let him know."

"What is it?" Hotch asks.

"Abby shook the tail we had on him."

With both Evan and Vincent in the wind, and the fact that there is nothing at Vincent's house to go off of, you have no choice but to go back to the police station and talk about what the next steps are. Penelope was such a huge help because she found something that makes Evan look guilty, but you know for a fact he isn't.

"Garcia checked Abby's phone records, and he called Stiles right after we left him," Hotch sighs.

"Well, you saw someone Abby identified with."

"I catch killers, I save lives, and I'm a hero, until my key hits my front door, and then I'm just the father and the husband who's never there."

"I got that one," Gideon understands.

"Here's the thing. When I'm home, I'm in this silent panic because I know that I have to be as good as I can as fast as I can, because any minute the phone is gonna ring and my time is up, and that panic is exactly what I saw in Abby."

"You're on the right track, Hotch," you nod.

"You're a dead man walking, and you gotta make this right. You have no time left, how do you do it? Come on, don't think about it, you know the answer. What is it?" Gideon rushes.

"I'd stop him."


"I'd burn him," you and Hotch say at the same time. "The same way he killed them. I'd do it where nobody could get hurt. Which is why I would call it in first."

"We got a 911 anonymous tip for a fire in the Harbor District," Ric announces to the team.

"Is it a warehouse?"

"Yeah. 6000 San Alameda."

"Can you call Garcia?"

"She's right here," Derek says, holding up the phone that she's on speakerphone with.

"Hey, Garcia, can you check the zoning code on a warehouse at 6000 San Alameda?"

"Yeah, I certainly can."

"The SFPD chopper circled the harbor twice. There's no sign of fire," Leah states.

"Okay, 6000 San Alameda is a commercial storage facility. It looks like the property was just sold and the lot was approved for zone conversion."

"CR to ES, right?" you ask, looking at Hotch.

"Yeah, that's right."

"I know what CR is, but what's ES?" Leah wonders.

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