Jones: Final Part

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Warnings: reader being stressed out, almost panic attacks, not recognizing oneself in the mirror due to stress, angst


Gideon leaves the office, leaving you frozen in shock. The young man is waiting in the interrogation room, so you gather yourself before leaving the office. Everyone is waiting for you to enter the room, and you make eye contact with Gideon in hopes he will tell you that someone else will do this. He does nothing, and you enter the room with tense shoulders.

"Mr. Tibideaux, I need you to answer a few questions about a disturbance you were involved with in 1998."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"At a bar called Jones. It was Mardi Gras."

"Well, then, I must have been drinking some because I don't remember a thing."

"I just need to know the name of your accuser," you sigh.

"Look, I told you, I don't know what you're talking about."

His attitude is enough to make you want to smack him.

"The statute of limitations is up. I just need a name. If someone accuses me of rape, ­I'm going to remember her name."

"What can I tell you, Cher? I guess she didn't make that good of an impression," he sneers.

"Yeah, because you're doing such a fine job yourself," you say sarcastically.

"You know, I'm guessing if someone did do something to that girl that night, then she was probably asking for it. Maybe even liked it."

His words send you into a blind rage. You ball your fists up beneath the table because you want to smack the shit out of this man. He smirks knowing that he is getting this reaction out of you, but you're not to be fucked with right now. Both Hotch and Gideon see this, and the younger man decides you've had enough.

"I'm getting her out of there," he says, already having heard what you did at the bar.

"No, wait."

You look at the two-way mirror knowing your colleagues can see you. The reason you're acting like this is because of Spencer. You've been holding all of your emotions to prevent an outbreak like this one. This isn't the person you're supposed to be, and you don't like the woman in the mirror staring back at you. Instead of doing what you really want to do, you take a deep breath to calm yourself. You unclench your fists and turn back to the young man.

"She's got it," Gideon nods.

You grab the crime scene photos and lay them out for him to see, to fathom just what this girl is doing to these men.

"She murdered these men, and I'm guessing it's only a matter of time before she works her way back to the one she really wants to kill... You. Does she make an impression now?"

He looks at the photos with fear in his eyes for his life.

"Her name is Sarah Danlin."

"You better clean up your act because the next time you decide to rape a woman because 'she was asking for it', you better remember this," you tap the photos. You lower your voice so your team doesn't hear the subtle threat you're giving the man. "Next time, I might just let her get to you before I do."

You get up and leave the room with your phone in hand, pushing past your team who is concerned for your wellbeing. You call Penelope who is a lovely distraction. She's the only one who doesn't know what is happening here, so she provides this escape you're desperately seeking.

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