Sex, Birth, Death: Part Three

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Warnings: smut, oral (fem and male receiving)


It doesn't matter what kind of case you have right now, you made a promise to Spencer about dinner tonight. He only lives five minutes from you, so he went to get some of his things together to sleep over while you get dinner prepared and situated. By the time he comes over, you have Christmas lights on and strung up, his favorite music playing on the record player, and steaming food on the table.

"It smells so good," Spencer smiles and hangs his coat on the coat rack by your door.

"Thank you. It's my mom's recipe."

You two sit at the table and dig in, but you can tell Spencer isn't quite himself. He can't help but think about Nathan and the way he was begging for your help this morning. If Nathan did do it, then you don't have to worry about anything because he is in custody. If he didn't, then the real unsub is still out there. You have a feeling that there will be more dead prostitutes before you go into work tomorrow.

"Spencer, he's going to be okay," you say to lighten the mood.

"Yeah," he whispers.

You two continue to eat with small talk, but he is distracted. You wish you could take away his worry, but the only way that'll happen is if you prove to him that Nathan didn't do it. Still, that doesn't mean you won't try and take his mind off the case tonight.

"I know what will make you feel better." You don't wait for him to speak as you continue. "Dessert. I made chocolate-covered strawberries for us."

Spencer watches you get up and retrieve them from the fridge. There are about two dozen of them on the baking tray. You set them on a clear spot on the table and pick one up, grinning at the masterpiece. You hold out the strawberry to him and stare into his eyes.

"Take a bite."


"Take a bite or I will." Spencer chuckles and leans in, wrapping his lips around the strawberry. Something so simple shouldn't turn you on, but it does. Spencer bites into the fruit and moans at the taste, pulling away and licking his lips in the process. "Taste good?"

"Tastes amazing," he grins, not knowing he has chocolate still left on his lips.

"You have some... never mind. Come here."

You grab the back of his neck and pull him in, kissing him slowly and lovingly. Your tongue swipes his bottom lip, licking away the chocolate that's there. Dinner and dessert are long forgotten as you take him to bed to show him a good time.

"Are you sure about this?" Spencer asks between kisses.

"What, you don't want me?" you ask and pout, jutting out your bottom lip.

"Of course I do. I've wanted you since the moment I laid my eyes on you."

"We don't have to do this if you don't want to."

You've been dating for well over a year, but you don't want to force him to do anything he doesn't want to do.

"I want to."

You grin and lean in to kiss him again, crawling on top of him. He is more of the submissive type when it comes to intimate moments like this one, but you don't mind. You actually like the idea of him submitting to you, to please you, and to beg. You like it both ways--to be dominated and to take charge in the bedroom. Maybe Spencer will change, but for right now, he's content with you taking charge.

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