Open Season: Part One

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"One man's wilderness is another man's theme park." - Unknown

It's late at night, but you want to enjoy this girl's night as much as you can before you have to report to duty the next morning. You don't usually have time to hang with all the girls, so when the opportunity came when you all could, you took it. Spencer is back home just relaxing, and Hannah is here with you in the bar/restaurant. Ever since you two had that heart to heart, she's been clinging to your side. You want to take her on a case to show her what it means to see dead people and what they leave behind for you to find.

"How's Hannah doing?" Penelope asks when you all settle down at one of the few tables that are available.

You look over at Hannah who is trying to play darts. She has a pink lemonade, and since she isn't bothering anyone, the bartender isn't going to interrupt. She gets one of the darts on the board and turns to you with a thumbs up, and you give her one back.

"She's making her time worth it while she's here. I called her aunt, so she is picking her up at the end of the month."

"How do you feel about that?" JJ wonders.

"I just want what's best for her, and it's not me."

"Dark," Emily chuckles.

"It's true. It's going to be okay. I'm actually going to try and convince Hotch to let me bring her on a case. She has my abilities, and she's going to need to know how to deal with them."

"Good luck with that."

"Thanks, I will," you stuck your tongue out at Emily.

"How is Spencer doing?"

"He's more than okay. He's been sleeping over more and more lately. He's definitely making sure that I forget about literally everything whenever he comes over," you giggle.

The girls ooh and ahh and laugh at this, and you wave them off in embarrassment.

"We're happy for you two," Emily smiles.

"Thank you."

"I will be right back, ladies. Any requests?" Emily asks, gesturing to the bar.

Everyone filters their drink requests through her, and she leaves to go order them. As soon as she separated herself from the group, a man approached her and started flirting. You're not sure why when he must know she came in with three other women.

"I can't believe this. I think we've been here for five minutes," Penelope says, noticing the man and Emily.

"Yeah, but look at her, she broke away from the group. The guy saw her alone, felt confident, and made his move."

"It must be serious."

Emily brings over everyone's drinks along with the guy who looks too cocky to be likable. He looks fake if that's something that seems real.

"Ladies, this is Brad, a real FBI agent."

Yep, there it is. You knew this man was hiding something. The fact that he is talking to actual FBI agents is enough for you to cough a laugh into your elbow.


"No way. That's exciting. What's it like at Quantico?" Penelope asks, butchering the pronunciation of the city.

"It's, uh, quite impressive," he grins.

This guy can't be any more of a douche right now, but it's amusing.

"What department are you in?" JJ asks.

"That's classified," he chuckles.

"Ooh, must be really tough keeping all those secrets."

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