Legacy: Final Part

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"I'm not sure if he's really okay with this, or he's sure we're wrong and wants to see us embarrass ourselves," Hotch gossips.

There are not many officers, to begin with, so you're standing in front of everyone in no time.

"We're going to provide a psychological profile of the man we're looking for. It contains some unusual, specific personality traits that someone out there is bound to recognize, which will make him relatively easy to locate. He'll leave a long-lasting, negative impression on anyone he might meet."

"We have a term for the killing behavior this unsub displays--cleaning house--fixing what's wrong with the world," Derek says.

"He's deeply rationalized this behavior, and while he certainly knows the killing is wrong, he truly believes that he's doing the world a great service."

"Ultimately, this type of unsub becomes a loner," you sigh. "There will not be too many people that can still tolerate him. Now, if he does have a relationship at all, the person will not be his equal. It'll be someone subservient to him."

"He'll be fastidious, tending toward obsessive-compulsive disorder, and he'll have an overwhelming sense of indignation towards the things that he's judged to be wrong. He wouldn't even consider the reasons why someone might disagree with him."

"He sounds like a real jackass," one of the officers scoff.

"Exactly. Class-A scumbag," Derek agrees.

"Detective McGee started noticing the disappearances a year ago. The unsub probably had a stressor at this time--the death of a family member or someone who had some semblance of control over him. Right now, no one has control over him."

"It's probable that he isn't currently working after this many victims, and the devolution that it brings a job just wouldn't leave him time to practice his true calling."

"Which is what?" Al asks.

"A predator, a killing machine. By now, it's become all he thinks about."

It's late enough as it is, but you still go out with your team to the streets to talk to other homeless people in case they know you're talking about. You're paired off in groups of two: You, Hannah, and Spencer, Emily and Derek, JJ and Al, Hotch by himself, and Gideon and Cal.

Every single person you talked to had eyes for Spencer. Mostly the prostitutes were all over Spencer, touching his tie and removing it from the inside of his vest. He was a little uncomfortable with the attention, so you had to step in and make sure they knew he was yours. Though, that didn't seem to stop some of them when they suggested they were into threesomes.

You'll have to come back to his kinks later, but you're a little annoyed with how they're treating him. It's clear you two are dating, but it's like they don't see that. Hannah was learning more about her abilities, using them to determine if a homeless person was safe to be around or not. Everyone kind of left her alone since you and Spencer were there to protect her, but she did get a few stares from others. After an hour of asking around and not getting anywhere, your team decides to meet back up to discuss what they found.

"Don't be too jealous, Y/N. I didn't want them," Spencer says. "It's cute though."

You stop walking and turn to him, grasping his tie that kept getting tugged by the women. You fix it by tucking it back underneath his vest and tightening it by his neck.

"You're mine."

"I know," he smiles.

You smooth down his clothes and head back to the group. Everyone is here minus Gideon and Cal. They must still be talking to people.

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