Sex, Birth, Death: Part Four

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This is not how you thought your night was going to go. You and Spencer were over at your place watching a romantic movie when you thought you two would be settling into your bed for the rest of the night when you got the call that Nathan was missing. His mother couldn't find him at all, and that sent your entire team in a panic, especially when Gideon knew it was a matter of when Nathan would kill, and not if.

You and Spencer are in the same car patrolling the area, trying to find Nathan before he does something he regrets later on in life.

"He's gotta be out here, right? Where else would he be?" Spencer panics.

"Spencer, you know this is not your responsibility. I mean, not fully."

"It is. I can't explain."

"You know better than anyone that I'll understand."

"He knows I understand him. I know what it's like to be afraid of your own mind."

"Is this because of your mom?" you ask, and he nods silently.

You decide to leave it as that. You reach over and grab his hand, squeezing lightly.

"What's up with Hotch today?"

"I don't know. He's too wound up. He needs to get laid. I hear it's a great stress reliever," you grin knowingly. Your phone rings and you press the button on the steering wheel so that the call is accepted through the car's speaker. "Hey."

"They found another body in the town square," Hotch says.

"Okay, we're on our way." You hang up and speed up to get to the new crime scene. "Looks like Nathan may or may not be in trouble."

The rest of your team is there when you arrive, and you look at the poor woman who suffered at the hand of this serial killer. Though, when you arrive, the energy is the same from the other crime scene. Nathan didn't do this, but will your team listen to you?

"I'd say he's getting bolder," Derek comments.

"If it's the same unsub," Gideon comments.

"Think it could've been Nathan?"

"This wasn't Nathan," you say. "The energy is the same as the other crime scenes. I don't know where Nathan is, but he didn't do this. Something must have happened to our unsub to behave this way."

"Excuse me, agent," an officer says, interrupting the team. "They found the boy you're looking for."

You head over to where they found Nathan. He's sitting in one of the pews inside the local church.

"He says he's been here for four hours."

You and Spencer motion for Gideon and Derek to stay behind while you two talk to him. You take one side and he takes the other, and you gently announce yourself to him so he doesn't do anything reckless. This poor boy is so sad and confused, it breaks your heart a little.

"You got a lot of people worried," Spencer starts.


"You told that policeman that you've been here for four hours?"

"I snuck out and I started walking, like I couldn't control it. I figured I'd come here and try and fight it."

"Has anybody seen you here?" you wonder.

"Doesn't matter," he sighs.

"It does matter, Nathan. A woman was stabbed tonight, and nobody saw you."

"I didn't kill her."

"I believe you," you whisper.

"I'm gonna have to bring you in as a suspect."

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