Profiler, Profiled: Part Three

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You don't waste time getting to Derek's family's house where his mother and two sisters are waiting patiently for someone to come over and tell them what is going on. As soon as they see you three and Wally, they let you in reluctantly. Four people mean something is seriously wrong. If there wasn't, then they wouldn't have sent over four people.

"Is, uh, Derek alright? Derek's mother asks. "He wouldn't let us go down there."

"He's fine. Our boss is with him," Emily puts simply.

It's best to lie to the family so they don't worry.

"Did he tell you Gordinski has been harassing him since he was a kid?" Sarah, one of Derek's sister, asks.

"Why's that?" Spencer wonders.

"You'd have to ask that bastard."

"Oh, Sarah," the mother sighs.

"It's true, mom. What are you even doing in my mother's house?" Sarah asks Wally who is just standing there off to the side.

"They asked me."

"Not really," you say, scrunching your face up in confusion.

"I don't understand how they could think he did this."

"Someone may be trying to make it look like he hurt those kids," you state gently.

"And the police believe it," Sarah says, glaring at Wally.

"We're just following the evidence."

"But he's an FBI agent," Denise, the other sister, says.

"Actually, law enforcement officials are just as probable, statistically, to commit a crime as anyone else. Look at the cross-section of a society, there's a general population and a small fraction--"

The look Derek's family gives Spencer is one of horror, so you quickly jump in to ease their minds.

"He's not actually saying we believe Derek is involved in this."

"Oh, no, no, yeah, not at all. I'm merely speaking theoretically."

"You're Dr. Reid, right?" Denise asks.


"Derek talks about you."

"He does?" Spencer grins innocently.

"Anyway, someone may be trying to make it look like this was Derek," Emily says, getting back on track.

"But Derek loves kids. Every time he's here, he goes to the youth center."

"Youth center?" you ask.

"The upward youth center."

"Does that have some sort of significance for him?" Spencer wonders.

"Oh... are you saying there's something in it for him? Other than giving back to the poor kids of your neighborhood?" Sarah says too harshly.

"Sarah," the mother scolds.

"Sarah," you say gently. "We're good friends of your brother, okay? We're only here to help him. When we ask questions, it's not because we think he's done something. We just want to know everything so we can figure out where to look next."

Sarah just nods, backing off completely.

"Is there some special significance to the youth center?" Emily asks again.

"The youth center saved his life. My husband, um, their father, was killed when he tried to stop a robbery. Derek was with him. Ten years or so later, he started getting into trouble."

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