Jones: Part Two

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Warnings: reader being stressed out, almost panic attacks, not recognizing oneself in the mirror due to stress, angst


It's like you can't seem to catch a fucking break. As soon as the sun came up the next day, you got wind of another murder. There was some big party going on, so there could have been hundreds of witnesses, but no one saw anything. It's sad that your unsub is free in the city to kill whoever he wants, but you're going to do your best to take him down before he has a chance to kill.

You're confused because when you get to the crime scene, you're confronted with a stronger presence of blue energy--the same kind of energy you saw. However, there were so many people at the party that someone could have stumbled upon the body any time during the night and ruined your crime scene.

The victim was out with friends, and they are here now to tell your team what they saw and heard, but you're not focusing on them right now. Your guts is screaming at you, but you've shut off the voice that is usually associated with it. You're so fucking tired of everything. All you want to do is go home and sleep the rest of the month off.

"So, the three of you were out together last night?" Spencer asks the friends.

"Kind of. Mark had just paid his tab at one bar, and he was on his way to meet us at another."

"You guys get into any trouble? Drunken brawl? Anyone get out of hand?" Derek wonders.

"We were just out to have fun, you know? We minded our own business."

"Could Mark have met a girl? Maybe upset her boyfriend?"

"No, sir. He struck out like we all did."

"Thanks, guys."

The two friends go about their day, but you stay behind to pick up the pieces.

"I can hardly keep up with this guy," Will groans.

"Well, if he's mimicking Jack the Ripper, that might be precisely the point. He terrorized London for months without ever getting caught."

"I'd appreciate it if you'd gather your men. We'd like to give you a profile of who you're up against," Gideon announces.

Will escorts everyone back to the precinct where he gathered every available officer that can help with this case. Though, when you get to the station, you notice Spencer isn't with you. You have no idea where he is, and if you're being honest, you couldn't care less. He's being a dick to you now, and why should you care about him if he clearly doesn't give two shits about you? He must have snuck off to meet with someone or to do something on his own. He's a grown man, he can take care of himself. Though, you don't think the rest of the team notices he's gone because they're too focused on the case.

"The offender we're looking for is friendly, agile, and somewhere between thirty and thirty-five. He'll allure with charm and kill with rage," Hotch begins.

"We believe he's murdering men to reclaim his power. This unsub suffers from low self-esteem, but he probably covers it well. He dresses impeccably to feed the facade. Jack the Ripper himself was an impetuous lust murderer, whereas this offender is organized and calculating. He might even stalk his victims for days before the actual kill," you explain.

"We believe this killer identifies with Jack the Ripper because he's lost his own identity. Maybe through years of child abuse or some catastrophic event," Emily adds.

"Because he overcompensates to hide his insecurities, we believe he may hold a position of authority at work, and since we think he's had medical training, consider EMTs, doctors, and veterinarians."

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