Distress: Part One

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"Our life is made by the death of others." - Leonardo Da Vinci

Before you even woke up, Hannah took it upon herself to make breakfast. When you smelled waffles, you were drawn to the kitchen only to see her with four different meals laid out in front of her. Spencer is still asleep on the couch in what looks like an uncomfortable position. You don't know why he wouldn't just sleep in the bed with you, but if space is what he wants, then that's what you're going to give him.

As soon as Hannah piles the last pan into your deep sink, she digs in, moaning as if the waffles are the best thing she's ever tasted. She definitely didn't get her appetite from you because she is eating as if she hasn't eaten for the past month. You walk over to the coffee machine and pour yourself a bigger cup since you're going to need the caffeine if you're going to talk about Hannah and how she got here.

Spencer looks like he has been having nightmares all night because even with his eyes closed, you can see the large bags underneath his eyes. All you want is to go over there and kiss away his fears, but you don't think he'll like that very much. He refused to talk to you about his use of Dilaudid, but you'll try again later and see if you get a different result.

"So, Hannah, not that I'm not thrilled you're here," you try not to sound sarcastic, hoping it doesn't come across as it, "but your parents must be worried sick about you. Do they know you're here? Or that you were even trying to look for me?"

"They're not worried about me," she shakes her head and continues eating.

"Of course, they are. I made sure you were sent to a nice couple who wanted nothing more than their own kid. They wouldn't not be worried about you."

"They're not worried about me because they're dead," she says with her mouth full.

"Excuse me?"

She swallows her food so she can be crystal clear.

"They're dead, okay? I have no other family, so I got tossed into the foster care system. I got put into a home that didn't give two shits about me or the other kids because the mother is a crack addict and high all the time. She didn't even notice when I left."

To think your child has been suffering all this time, and you never knew it.

"I didn't know," you sigh.

"I may be thirteen, but I managed to travel across the country by myself to find you. You're my mother. I might have ended up dead or worse if I didn't find you, so there's that."

"How did you know it was me? You only had a name to go off from."

"I arrived here a few months before I talked to you. I had to watch you to make sure you were who I was looking for. There are more Y/Ns in this city than you think."

"But how did you know it was me? Me?"

Hannah goes to answer, but Spencer picks this moment to wake up. He groans loudly as he stretches, getting up and heading to your bathroom without so much as a good morning to you or Hannah. In fact, he doesn't even look at you as if you're not here. You look at the watch on your wrist and sigh at the time. You're going to be late if you don't head out soon, and you still have to get ready.

"Look, I have to go to work. You have to stay here, okay? Don't leave this place until I get back. You're technically not supposed to be here, so don't bring unwanted attention to yourself, alright? There is enough food and entertainment to last a while, so you'll be fine. Just don't eat every meal like you are right now or else you'll run out of food."

"I don't want to be stuck in this apartment all week," she complains, but you're not having it.

"No, see, this isn't how this is gonna go. You're the child and I'm the adult. If I find out you left, there might not be a home to go back to. Understand?"

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