Aftermath: Part Two

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The ride is short and sweet, and you get out of the car with a huff. The Bureauhad enough money to give each and every one of you your own room. You haul your suitcase out of the trunk and head with the group inside the hotel. However, you have a feeling that not everyone is following. You turn the corner and pause when you don't see Elle in the group.

You round the corner to see her staring at the car she came here in. Something is off with Elle even more so now. She isn't thinking straight, she's becoming more temperamental, and she's becoming more unstable. You don't know exactly what she's thinking, but you bet if you can talk to her, then you might be able to help her return to her old self.

"Elle... what's up?" you ask, your voice echoing off the walls.

"I think I left my glasses in the car."

"I'll keep you company."

"No, it's alright. We got to get to sleep."

You don't know if she said no because you were there or if she was scared of going back to the car. Regardless, she heads into the hotel, leaving you behind. You stare at the car for two seconds before heading inside so no one comes out looking for you. Your room is on the fourth floor with everyone else's, and you head inside to see two queen beds. It's big and empty—too big for just one person. You shouldn't do this because of work reasons, but you really want to spend the night with Spencer.

Taking your bag and room card with you, you head to the room right across from yours—Spencer's room. With two knocks on the door, Spencer opened it with a kind smile.

"Hey, my room is just too big, I guess. Can I sleep in here with you?"

"Of course," he grins.

You walk into the room and see that he also has two queen beds. You're not sure what he wants you to do, so you set your bag on the unclaimed bed.

"Uh, you can sleep in this bed with me... if you want," he says awkwardly as he shuts the door.


You leave your bag on the bed and remove your pajamas from your bag. You remove your shirt so that you're only in your bra and pants. Spencer hasn't seen you like this before, so he doesn't know if he should look away or not. Though, he gets one glimpse at your body, and it's hard for him to look away.

"You're my boyfriend, Spencer. You're going to eventually see me naked. It's okay," you giggle.

You quickly change into your pajamas and take a seat on his bed.

"I can't get something out of my head," Spencer admits and takes a seat next to you. "Gideon told me what happened on campus with the other rape victim, Cheryl. She said so many lives there have been ruined."

"Yeah? What about it?"

"Only 20% of rapes are even reported."

"Wait, you think there are more victims out there?" you wonder.

"Well, you figure with a catholic school, the percentages are bound to hold."

"Then, the unsub's stressor might have been a rape that never got reported."

"Something made him change victims, though. Maybe he almost got caught. Maybe he's religious and felt guilty. Maybe a victim... reminded him of his sister--something. What do you think?"

"I think that this man is leaving women scared to go home. You know? They're supposed to feel safe in their home. Take that away and you take away who they are. This man is coming inside these women's houses and removing that safeguard... making them angry."

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