Chapter 1

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"I'm so cold."

You can't stop trembling, you've been walking all day trying to find refuge. Unbearable shivers crawling through your body, a feeling of coldness that is driving you crazy but the worst part, was the overwhelming thirst for blood.

You have been on the run for a week now, walking from town to town, not staying more than one day in a place so they wouldn't find you.
You were sentenced to death without knowing; because apparently you're a curse bearer.

You heard your uncle talking to someone and found out that that person was a bourreau. They were planning to execute you, but no thanks! So you ran away, but these symptoms have really been bothering you these past few days.

You were in Paris now and most of the hotels were fully booked. "Damn it I can't wait to lay down. I feel like I could collapse any minute now." The cold night breeze is making the shivers true your body all the more difficult to bear.

You walk true a small and dark ally, there is no one in sight. Before you knew it your legs gave out on you and you fall on the ground. '"Fuck."

You close your eyes for a brief moment. Suddenly when you open them again the dark ally is gone. You see a vast landscape, it's bright and beautiful. You could smell the flowers and hear the ocean behind you. It felt nice being here, it felt like a dream and you forgot all about those damn symptoms.

You turn around because you wanted to see the ocean. Before you knew it all the symptoms came rushing back in to your body and a shadow like figure with red eyes and a big red smile came in front of you.

"What a fine place. I like it." he leans closer and grabs your face on both sides. "Will you give this place, your true name, to me?"

You were incapable of saying anything you just froze.

He leans closer and closer almost like he mend to kiss you. You wanted to say something, do something but the moment the shadow touched your face the symptoms were gone.

You didn't want to bear it anymore. "Why am i even trying to stay alive so bad anyway, nobody wanted me to be." You say to yourself.

"Poor child, I will help you."

Before he could take your true name away from you completely, you hear a voice.


You open your eyes. The shadow has been pushed away by someone and with that the shadow vanished.

You turn around with tears in your eyes and saw the landscape again and a boy, a slender young man with long black hair, it was irregularly cut and his bangs falling into the center of his face but what caught your attention almost immediately were his eyes.

They were blue, but a very strong kind of blue like copper sulfate. Both of his ears were pierced, a simple stud worn in his right ear, while his left ear with two rings and an hourglass shaped earring through the earlobe.

He wore a white shirt over black pants, a dark blue striped vest, a large blue bow tie, and an oversized black coat. In one hand you see that he has a clockwork grimoire with a blue leather cover and jet black pages and it's linked to a silver chain that he has locked on to his belt.

He takes your hands to get you up. "Now that that pest is gone let's begin the treatment shall we?" He says while looking at you with soft eyes.

"Are you going to kill me?" You ask him with tears in your eyes and almost whispering.

"Well of course not Ma Chèri, killing my patient is not good for business now is it?" He looks at you with a smirk on his face and wipes your tear away with his gloved hand.

"Let's get your true name back for good now, shall we?"

Before you knew it, he took a step back and opened his book. You see blue lights coming out from the book and it surrounded both him and you. It looked like formulas where coming out of it.

After a few minutes you feel a sudden warm feeling overwhelming your body and confidence rising up in you again. It felt like after a long long time you remembered who you were.

"Asherah, she who walks on the sea. So that is your true name, it truly suits you." The boy says to you.

The blue lights start to disappear and you were back in the dark ally without any of the horrible symptoms and with your true name back.

He closes the book and hides it back in his jacket. You were feeling so overwhelmed and the tiredness came crawling back to you, that you couldn't stand anymore and fell over.

Before you could hit the ground you feel a hand grabbing you by your shoulder and you land on the boys chest. "I got you."

Your eyes start feeling heavy and before you knew it you were unconscious in the arms of a stranger.

He sighs. "Well well well, looks like I got some things to explain to Noé." He lifts you up and starts walking carrying you bridal style.

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