Chapter 2

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The rays of sunshine are starting to wake you up. For the first time in weeks you've had a good night sleep. The warmth and clean smell of the bed sheets comforting you.

For the past few weeks you've been sleeping on hard beds with itchy sheets and the condition of the rooms were horrible. You couldn't afford a luxurious hotel ofcource because then all your money would run out in no time.

Then everything from the night before started coming back to you. Those symptoms, that place, the shadow, the boy...
You lost consciousness so how the hell did you get here and were the hell were you.

You slowly start to sit up when you see another bed that was diagonally across from the bed where you were and there was a boy sleeping in it. Well actually he almost wasn't, because half of his body was on the floor, just his feet were on the bed and he was hugging a pillow.

It was a tall young men with brown skin and white hair, he was wearing white PJ's. "Hmm...quite handsome." You thought to yourself.

On the foot of his bed there was a white cat sleeping. It was a funny and cute picture to look at.

You shake the thought out of your head. You should be thinking of who the hell he was and how you got here. Were you kidnapped? Did the boy leave you and this one took you away?

"Well I see that you're awake Ma Chèri. Did you sleep well?" You hear someone say next to you.

"AHHH!!" You screamed because he scared the living shit out of you and because of that you kicked him of the bed.

"OUCH! What did you do that for you little brat." He said annoyed on the ground.

"Why the fuck are you in the bed I was sleeping in!"

He stood up from the ground."Tsk, well you ungrateful hag, this is actually my bed and I was sweet enough to let you sleep in it."

You took a better look at him and realise it was the boy from last night. "Oh it's you, well couldn't you have slept in that chair I don't like to sleep with strangers." You point at the chair next to the other bed.

"Why would I sleep there when there is a perfectly fine bed with enough room for two you little—" Before he could finish coursing at you the other boy starts mumbling something.

"Uhhh...Vanitas who are you talking to?" He asks while his eyes were still closed and yawns. He slowly starts to open his eyes and sees you. He quickly stands up and tries to compose himself.

"Vanitas!! How could you not tell me we have a guest? Where are your manners?!"

"I don't think he has any." You say teasingly looking at the blue eyed boy and you get a death stare in return, which made you smile. You turn around and walk towards the other guy and raise your hand to shake his.

The boy smiles at you shyly. "Guess your right miss, my name is Noé Archiviste pleasure to meet you." He says with a smile on his face and shakes your hand.

"My name is [Y/N] [L/N] the pleasure is all mine Monsieur Noé." Vanitas eyes widen when he hears your last name and smirks to himself.

"Alright alright, now that you have introduced yourselfs we need to get ready you two, we have to report this to Count Orlok, before he finds out himself and starts yapping at me."

You turn around and walk towards Vanitas. "Again with the no manners, I don't remember your introduction?" You said to him with a smirk on your face

"I would've Ma Chéri if you hadn't pushed me of the bed." He sighs dramatically. "Oh well, I will forgive you this one time because of the incident yesterday, but don't let it happen again alright?"

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