Chapter 10

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We've been back at the hotel for almost a week now. After the confrontation with Lord Ruthven the three off you immediately crossed the barrier at his orders.

Weirdly enough you were glad you three got kicked out. That Lord did not sit right with you. He wanted information from you and Vanitas, and you were sure it wasn't just curiosity.

Something about the confrontation didn't sit right with you though. After the three of you got back from Altus. Vanitas seemed oddly pleased with himself. "This is fine. I got the information I wanted." Was the only thing he said when you got back.

He planned this, he continues to keep you and Noé in the dark about his true intentions and motives. It irritated you beyond words but also intrigued you, but his actions were beyond reckless.

You two haven't spoken since you got back. As a matter of fact even before the meeting you two haven't spoken without Noé around since the incident, you sucking his blood and all.

Fucking idiot that I am. You thought to yourself. How dare he lure you with his delicious smelling blood. Just thinking about it made your mouth water. Suddenly you hear a knock on your door. You walk towards the door and open it.

"Good morning [Y/N]."  Vanitas says while walking past you, not even looking at you and storming in to your room. "I see you've eaten already, good we have to leave soon. We have a busy schedule today."

"Excuse you and what?"

"Your excused and firstly we have to report to Count Orlok. He's been bugging me for days now, bloody old man won't let me rest. Secondly Luca and Jeanne have invited us to drink thee."

You look at him with a confused look. "Why?"

"No idea don't care. So are you ready?" He says quickly while attempting to leave the room but you were faster and closed to door standing in front of him.

"Not so fast. We have to talk." You say to him with a stern face.

"About what? Oh. I see, you want blood. Alright then." He said while taking his jacket off. "But it has to be a quicky, Noé is waiting for us downstairs." He said while winking at you.

You grab his hand so he stopped continuing to take his jacket off. "No stop that's not what I meant." You say while squeezing your eyes shut so you wouldn't be tempted.

"Then what?" He looks at you with a fake innocent face.

"Why did you do that, why did you provoke Lord Ruthven?"

His face remains unbothered. "He was being nosey. I didn't know he would get that sensitive." He said with a smirk on his face.

"Yes you did, don't lie to me. What did you mean when you said that you had the information you wanted?"

Vanitas rolls his eyes and again tries to walk past you. "Don't worry about it."

Anger rises up in you. "Actually I do worry, because you're giving me zero fucking reasons for me to trust you and i'm not going to stick around people I do not trust. I've had enough problems because of that."

Vanitas turns around with a serious expression on his face. "I've already made perfectly clear what my intentions are. Don't expect me to tell you every single thing I plan or think. Because believe it or not I just go along with whatever I face."

"Then why don't you just tell me and Noé what kind of information you got from that." Your face was showing more anger by the minute.

"Because it's unnecessary and i've had numerous times when Noé doesn't like how I handle thing so why bother."

"Because you put yourself at risk there! He is a vampire you're a human. He could've easily killed you the moment he had his hands around your throat and Noé and I were powerless to do something. So was the information you got fucking worth it?!?" You half yelled with frustration seeping trough your voice.

Vanitas looked at you with wide eyes and confusion. "W-why would you care?"

"I don't. I just... ugh forget it you don't tell me stuff then I won't tell either." You said while opening the door and pushing Vanitas out of your room.

"W-wait I-" before he could finish his sentence you had closed the door in his face.


Vanitas, Noé and you were at Count Orloks his office. Vanitas was telling everything that transpired at Altus plus the incident with Lord Ruthven.

"So they booted us back across the barrier. It's been about a week since we got back to the human world. Every bone in my body aches, so i've been sleeping it off."

You were sitting on the side of the room with a bored look on your face. Because of the fight you had with Vanitas you were in a foul mood.

"They sent Murr back later." Noe added before sitting on a chair next to you.

"Thats's all we have to report! Vanitas says with a proud smile plastered on his face.

Count Orlok and his two bodyguards looked at Vanitas with utter shock for a couple of seconds.

When suddenly. "Y-YOU DAMNED FOOL!!!" Count Orlok shouted out and tried to launch at Vanitas with a globe in his hand to use as a weapon but he was stopped by his two bodyguards. "YOU DARE TO SHOW SUCH INSOLENCE TOWARD THE QUEEN?!?!!"

"Master Orlok!"

"Please calm yourself." The bodyguards tried to stop him. One grabbing his arm and the other his leg.

"Huh wanna fight?" Vanitas says mockingly.


The count started to throw books at Vanitas but he was already hiding behind a couch.

"So, until the dust settles, I will keep curing curse-bearers as i've been doing. In other words, information on curse-bearers please?" Vanitas asks without paying attention to the fact that Orloks only wish right now was to beat him up black and blue.

"Impudent, human!" Count Orlok continued to curse at Vanitas and throwing books at him while Noé and you were sitting on the other side of the office with bored looks on your faces.

"Master Orlok has no time for you!" One of the bodyguards said.

Noé stood up and grabbed one of the papers that fell out of a book.

"Another incident?" Vanitas asks looking over Noé's his shoulder. You walked toward them and looked to.

"Vampires disappearances." You read out loud.

"Three of them gone in one week. Hm? That's a lot." Vanitas continued.

"Hands of the files, don't look at them without permission!" One of the bodyguards screamed out.

"Get the hell out!" The other one followed.

And just like that the three of you where kicked out of the office. Except for Murr who was put gently on the floor with a bag of food next to him.

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