Chapter 16

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You enter your hotel room, exhausted and battered.

Before entering Hotel Chouchou you said goodnight to Noe but ignored Vanitas. Your mind could just not handle everything that had happend and you had mixed feelings with all the revelations that took place.

Suddenly a knock on the door. You had a hunch who it was. ''Vanitas! I really don't want to talk right now, go away.''

''[Y/N] either you open the door or I will be knocking on your door all goddamn night!''

You groaned in defeat, you knew he was capable of doing just that. You walked towards the door muttering curses in the process. Opening the door, Vanitas stormed in.

''Why are you still mad at me?!'' he demands, his voice tinged with frustration and confusion.

You let out a heavy sigh, feeling emotionally drained and exhausted from the day's events. ''Let's talk tomorrow Vanitas.'' You say wearily. ''It's been a long day, i'm tired and everything in my body hurts.''

''I am to... so start talking.'' He says while sitting on the side of your bed, his tone teasing and playful. Beneath the playful facade, however, he felt a mix of emotions roiling within him. He was eager to resolve this argument, he didn't know why but the idea of you not wanting to speak to him bothered him more than he would like to admit, but he also felt a twinge of impatience. He didn't want to dwell on the disagreement any longer than necessary.

Your frustration was palpable as you rubbed your face with exasperation. ''FOR FUCK SAKE. It's not fair, it's not fair that people keep on telling me they will stay with me and be there for me but WHERE ARE THEY NOW VANITAS! So, sorry if those words of yours made me realize that this is no different.'' Your words came out in a burst of emotion, voice tinging with anger and hurt.

Vanitas feels taken aback by your outburst, the anger and hurt in your voice hitting him like a punch to the gut. He wishes he could take back his words from earlier, knowing now that they hurt you deeply. He understands why you're upset and can feel the weight of your emotions. He wants to make things right, but he's also aware that his pride is getting in the way. He doesn't want to admit that he messed up and said things he didn't mean, but he knows he needs to apologize and try to make amends.

''I already told you I said it out of anger. I meant what I said at the gallery. So yes it is different. I just... I say stuff I don't mean when i'm angry alright, don't overthink it please I-" He sighs. "I'm sorry okay. I'm not really going to make you fuck off. So stop being mad before it gets you to go on a date with that Roland fellow just to spite me."

As Vanitas spoke, you couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions swirling inside you. On one hand, you were still hurt and angry at his earlier words, but on the other hand, you could feel his sincerity in his apology. You could see the conflict in his eyes as he struggled with his pride and the need to make amends. You looked at him conflicted and chuckled in defeat not wanting to argue anymore.

"You are an asshole you know that?" You say while sitting next to him.

Your eyes suddenly widen. Vanitas had rested his head on your shoulder. You felt your heart race and your cheeks flush with nervous excitement. It was a tender moment that caught you off guard, and you couldn't help but feel drawn to him despite everything that had happened.

"I take that as an acceptance to my apology." He says while closing his eyes. "Just so you know you are damn frustrating. I can't remember the last time I apologized to someone this much."

"Well stop doing things to make you apologise, but i'm tired so it's best you go back to your room."

You waited a few seconds but no response. "Vanitas?" You look to your side and to your surprise. He fell asleep on your shoulder, his breath slow and steady.

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