Chapter 7

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You guys were drinking and talking for over an hour now. Vanitas was already tipsy and so was Noé. Domi and you were still sober. "Well well well, so our dear [Y/N] can handle her drinks. What a surprising fact." Says Domi.

"Indeed a surprising fact. Please do tell us more [Y/N]." Vanitas says drunkish while offering you another drink.

"Are you trying to get me drunk, monsieur?" You said with a suspicious smile.

"I most certainly am not." He says with a devilish smile on his face. "I'm just curious."

"I bet you are." You respond with a irritated look but took the drink from his hand and drank from it.

"Nothing wrong with that am I right, it seems just logical for me and Noé to get to know our new companion."

"Vanitas behave yourself." Says Noé, but Vanitas ignores him.

"Answer me this [Y/N] the day your parents died, how did you survive?" Vanitas suddenly asked.

Everything went quite, only people downstairs and the music could be heard. You tighten your grip around your glass. Noé and Domi stared at both Vanitas and you with eyes wide open.

You're blood started boiling and without any thought you threw your drink on the floor, stood up and slapped Vanitas across his face. You then grabbed him by his collar.

"Don't you dare think you can manipulate me in to telling you about myself for your own personal gain and most certainly not about my parents, understood?!"

With that you let go aggressively of his collar making him fall on his seat and stormed off. Noé stood up and walked after you.

The moment those words came out of Vanitas his mouth he instantly regretted it and that's something very rare. He never cared about the brute things he said to people but now he felt...guilty.

Yes, it was his intention to let you stay by his side for his own gain when you guys went to see Count Orlok but that question... he didn't mean to.

"You really are a fool, human." Domi said.


You didn't know where you were walking to but you couldn't help but keep walking, that's when someone grabbed your shoulder.

"Mademoiselle [Y/N] i'm sorry for Vanitas his rudeness." Noé said.

"Why are you apologising? You didn't do anything." You say not yet turning around. "Are you also that curious about my past, Noé?"

He let go of your shoulder. "I would lie if I said no. But! I would like to get to know you in a way you feel comfortable, without rushing you and with trust from both sides."

Your eyes widen. How could someone be so direct but respectful at the same time? You turn around and Noé smiles at you. You chuckle.

"Seriously, how can you get along with him?"

"I don't." Noe responds. I just find him a interesting human and I do as I please to. His quest has come to interest me."

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