Chapter 12

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It was the next day. You had just woken up. The sunlight was shining true the window. It gave you the urge to open them. You stood up and did so. You took the light morning breeze in, it was a beautiful morning. You could get used to this.

Amelia, a girl who Vanitas and Noé had saved before they had met you and was now working at the hotel, had brought you breakfast earlier. So you had the grand idea to take your breakfast and enjoy it on the roof. You loved heights ever sinds you were little.

You had grabbed your breakfast and climbed up to the roof. The sun was half way up, the sky had a tint of orange and purple with just a few clouds hovering and the wind was calm and fresh. Suddenly while you were admiring the view.

"Good morning Ma Cheri, did you sleep well?" Vanitas greeted you with a smirk on his face while putting jam on his warm croissant.

"Good morning Vanitas, I actually really did and you?"

"Slept like a baby. I had the most peculiar but certainly enjoyable dream."

You sat next to him. "About?"

"You. You were crazy about me and just all over me. Actually a bit annoying, yet adorable." Vanitas grabs his cheeks and pretends to be flustered about it.

"Yeah... keep on dreaming because that's the only place that's going to happen."

He laughs. but not the fake sounding laugh you were used to but a genuine laugh. You couldn't help but stare at him. You never noticed, but he had a little dimple just on his right cheek when he laughs. You couldn't believe yourself but you were actually thinking he looked cute. You quickly wake yourself out of your thoughts by taking a bite of your croissant.

You two kept eating your breakfast in silence, but it wasn't an awkward silence. It was a pleasant one, a comfortable one. Just enjoying the view and each others silent company. A few minutes pass and both of you were done eating. You were about to get up.

"[Y/N] I have a proposition for you."

You look at him. "Oh dear. This can't be good." You reacted with a suspicious gaze.

He chuckles. "Do you remember when I asked you if you wanted me to show you around Paris?"


"Well, would you like to go with me today? Noé has to work, so I don't want to be alone in my room all day." He pouts.

"Wait. Noé works?." You ask confused.

"Yes. In addition to waiting at a café, he does simple physical labor and minds shops for their owners. He earns money here and there whenever he finds time."

"I see. I did not expect that, good for him though." You say impressed.

" that a yes?" Vanitas asks looking at you with a witty smile on his face.

You hummed before saying. "Alright then. I did say I would take you up on that offer." You were kind of excited to be honest.

"Great! it's a date!" Vanitas says with a clap of his hands while standing up. He had a big smile on his face.

"OI! It's not a date!" Irritated you smacked the back of his head.

"AGH must you do that?" He says while rubbing the back of his head. "I hope you don't make it a habit."

"It already is." you smiled at him.

He sighs."You're going to be the death of me."


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