Chapter 19

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The cloth covering your face was suddenly lifted off, revealing a damp and musty dungeon.

As your eyes adjusted to the dim lighting, you realized that you were in a place that was all too familiar to you. Memories of being locked in this same dungeon by your uncle because of being a curse bearer came flooding back. You looked around and saw your uncle sitting in front of you with a stern expression.

Without thinking, you blurted out, "Oh, did you miss me, uncle?"

Your uncle's expression turned to one of anger, as he stood up abruptly. Before you could react, he slapped you hard across the face, causing you to recoil in pain.

"You dare speak to me like that, you ungrateful little brat," he growled, his voice filled with venom. "I locked you up here to keep you from hurting others as a curse bearer, and yet you have the audacity to escape and now that you're back, talk back to me?!"

You felt a mixture of fear and anger rising within you. Despite your uncle's claims, you knew deep down that he had locked you up in this dungeon not out off concern for you or others, but out of his own selfish desires.

But for now, you knew that you had to play along with his game if you wanted to survive.

You take a deep breath and steel yourself to reveal the truth to your uncle. "I am not a curse bearer anymore," you say firmly.

Your uncle's expression flickers with surprise before quickly morphing into anger. "What do you mean?!" he demands. "How did you rid yourself of the curse!?"

"I don't know," you lie. Not even if he tortured you would you say that Vanitas was the one who healed you.

Your uncle's eyes narrow, and he leans in closer to you, searching your face for any sign of deception. "Don't lie to me," he growls. "You can't just rid yourself of that without some sort of explanation. Tell me the truth."

You can feel his hot breath on your face, and you try to remain calm despite your fear. "I swear to you, Uncle, I don't know how it happened," you say, keeping your voice steady. "All I know is that I'm no longer a curse bearer."

Your uncle continues to stare at you for a few more moments before finally sitting back in his chair with a frustrated sigh. "Fine," he says, though you can tell he doesn't fully believe you.

"That was the only opportunity for a Bourreau to kill you without the burden falling on me," he spat out. "You have no idea what it has cost me to keep you alive all these years." Your uncle's voice dripped with fury as he spoke those words. His face twisted into a mask of anger and his eyes blazed with an intensity that made you flinch. You could see the hatred and contempt he held for you, and the revelation that you were no longer a curse bearer only seemed to fuel his rage.

"Your parents really were fools," your uncle says with a cruel smile. "They didn't deserve the family fortune and neither do you. I should have inherited it all along, and I will, now that you'll be out of the way. No one was supposed to know you were alive, but it looks like I'll have to take care of you myself after all."

You feel as if the ground has fallen out from under you. Ever since your parents died, your uncle had always told you that there was no will, that there was nothing left for you to inherit. You never knew that you were the one to be the heir of the [L/N] fortune. You can feel your knees shake beneath you, but you keep firm and face him.

"You can't do this," you say, your voice trembling slightly. "I won't let you take everything that belongs to me."

Your uncle laughs coldly. "Oh, and what are you going to do about it?" he asks, his tone mocking. "You're locked up in here, and soon enough, you'll be gone for good."

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