Chapter 5

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You step outside. That's when you see Altus Paris. It's a dark place resembling the human realm, bearing significant similarities overall with minor differences. You looked up at the dark reddish sky. It looked cracked and ahead of you a large castle looking over Altus.

You look at Noé and that's when you see that he has been looking around with stars in his eyes.

"Oi, you get stars in your eyes over here too?" Vanitas questions him with a dull look on his face while Dominique was caressing Murr who was sitting on her shoulder.

"This city never changes no matter how many times I visit." Vanitas says with a serious expresion on his face.

"Okay lady and gentlemen let's keep moving. We have to get ready for the masquerade ball." Dominique says loudly already starting to walk.

After walking for a couple of minutes all of you arrive in front of a huge carriage. While you enter Noé says exactly what everyone was thinking. "Isn't this carriage far to large Domi?"

"I told you we're going to a ball. You weren't all planning to go dressed like that right?" Dominique responds. In sync everybody took a look at what they were wearing with an offended look on their face.

"Okay, I need to speak to Noé alone. Unfortunately for you [Y/N] I only have 2 changing rooms here so you have to sort it out with the human. But you can pick whatever you like to wear from there."

Vanitas looks at you with a smug look. You return an annoyed face at his direction.

"Thank you Dominique, I appreciate it." With that Noé and Domi enter one changing room and Vanitas and you the other.

You quickly turn your gaze at Vanitas. "Okay so this is how it will go, just pick an outfit and then go wait outside till i'm done changing. Then afters it's your turn, understood?" You tell him in a demanding tone.

"Why so tense Ma Chéri. We can just turn around when each of us are changing."

You shake your head from side to side. "Nope! I'm not going to risk you turning around when i'm not looking." He takes a few steps closer to you, until he was a couple inches away from you.

"Believe it or not princess. I'm a gentlemen." He says with a smirk on his face and with his head a little crooked.

"Yeah... right." You push him off you and walked towards the clothing racks. There were a lot of dresses you could chose from, but they were all really puffy and kind of extravagant. It wasn't really your style but you had to chose. Domi was sweet enough to let you chose.

Vanitas scoffs a couple of times intentionally, so you turn around. "What?" You respond irritated.

That's when you see him with a bag in his hand, he then gave to you. You did see he was carrying it around but you would never have guessed it was for you.

"What is this?" You ask with a confused look on your face.

"Take a look at it yourself, princess."

You open the bag and to your surprise you see the dress you saw today at the gallery.

"W-why would you—?" You stutter.

"Well, I saw you looking at it today and when I heard we would be attending a ball I couldn't stop imagining you in this dress." He says like it was nothing.

You feel the heat running toward your cheeks so you quickly turn around.

"A-are you alright [Y/N]?" Vanitas asks confused.

"I'm fine. I'm fine." You respond quickly grabbing your cheeks.

"If you are, look at me." He says with his arms crossed and one eyebrow raised. "Nah i'm
good. Just go wait outside alright."

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