Chapter 9

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You are now in Castle Carbunculus. You can't shake the feeling that her Majesty The Queen is somewhere within these walls. Noé, Vanitas and you were in Lord Ruthven's his office, there were books everywhere and a lot of astronomie objects and machines. Domi was called back to House De Sade, so she couldn't be here.

Noé was looking at everything with curiosity and with wide eyes while you and Vanitas where sitting opposite to Lord Ruthven. You were also looking around a little, but Vanitas had a serious expression on his face and payed no attention to his surroundings.

"I call this my office but it's more like my hobby room. Make yourselves at home."

Suddenly he sees Noé staring at one if the
machines. "That machine interest you?"
Noé shook his head excitedly indicating he was very interested. "It's a difference engine given to me by Marquis Machina." Noé's eyes start sparkling like always when he sees something exciting. "And that is a lamp powered by astermite." Lord Ruthven said pointing at a part of the engine.

"Lord Ruthven." Vanitas interrups "Sorry to interrupt the fun, but can we cut to the chase."

"Very well." Lord Ruthven walks towards his chair and sits down.

"Noé, Vanitas and [Y/N], firstly I would like to thank you for your heroic actions. Thanks to you our bretheren's casualties at the ball were kept to a minimum."

"What are your thoughts on the attack that day?" Vanitas asks while sipping from his thee.

"It was Charlatan. I'd thought they were hallucinations that only curse bearers could see. But now, I believe that attack was an attempt on Lucius's life."

"I agree." Vanitas responds with a satisfied look on his face.

"Wait... who?" You asked confused.

Lord Ruthven turned his gaze on you. "I do apologise Miss [L/N] I'm aware that you are not familiar with the royal families nor have met Luca as did Vanitas and Noé."

Suddenly the door to Lord Ruthvens office fell open and there emerged a boy probably around 12 years old. His face is round and childlike, with very thin eyebrows, large, upturned green eyes, and long eyelashes. He has short, red-brown hair with two defined cowlicks on either side. He wears a green, silver detailed button-up mantle that somewhat resembled a houppelande, which has a high, loose collar, and falls to just above his knees. Under this he wears short black pants that go about halfway down his shins, a white shirt with loose sleeves, white socks, and black shoes.

Beside him a thin, voluptuous young woman with pale skin and short pink hair. She has a smooth, round face with an angular chin, and large, round, yellow eyes. Her eyelashes were thick and long, and she has thin eyebrows, a small nose, and full lips. She wears a double-breasted, high-collared white coat with red trim. Accompanied with a long, red-trimmed, white wrap skirt, the buckles of which can break apart to allow easier movement. Beneath her skirt, she wore pink thigh-high socks and silver armored boots. She wears fingerless gloves on both hands. You thought she was astonishingly beautiful.

"Luca? What are you doing here?" Noé asks. The young boy wanted to respond but was interrupted by Lord Ruthven.

"I wanted to thank you Noé, i've heard from my nephew that you protected him during the attack. Lucius has told me everything. The chaos caused by the curse-bearers was likely an attempt to distract the Queen's Fangs. If that black shadow Naenia, is the one that steals true names, it's no surprise there were a number of curse-bearers there."

"Uhm but why did you say earlier that it was an attempt on Luca's life." Noé asks. "Why would they try to kill him?"

"What? You still don't get it?" Vanitas responds with a bored look on his face. "The boy has rank and power second only to the queen. No doubt, there are countless nobles who feel he's in their way. Isn't that right Luca? Or should I say, Lucius Grand Dule Oriflamme." The little boy who was now sitting on a chair said nothing but look in a rather sad way. This little boy is a duke? Incredible, you thought to yourself.

"Grand duke? Really? The grand duke is her majesty's close advisor." Noé says wide eyed.

"That's correct." Vanitas confirms.

"That's amazing!"

The little boy clenched his fist while still looking gloomy. "I would not call it amazing. Lord Uncle, who is also my guardian, handles all of my duties as grand duke. In any case, my succession to the office hasn't been made official."

Lord Ruthven walks towards him and pats his head reassuringly making the boy blush a little.

"My blood ran cold when I heard you ventured into the mortal world without leave. You must be more conscious of your own position."

"Yes, Lord Uncle."

"Come to think of it, Luca weren't you seeking The Book of Vanitas to save your brother? Where is he now?" Noe asks.

Lord Ruthven sighs. "Let us forget about that." Noé looks at him confused. "I'm telling you not to mention the boy's brother ever again. Salvation takes many forms. Freeing him from the curse is not necessarily in his best interest."

Noé looked kind of shocked but didn't say anything. You wanted to ask a lot of questions but this Lord Ruthven gave you a bad feeling, he didn't give you the impression that you could trust him at all. So you thought to yourself to ask Noé and Vanitas later.

"But enough about that." Lord Ruthven continued. "You're here to ask me about curse-bearers, arent you? I, to have many questions I would like to ask you both for example about the Blue moon Clan, your families blood line Miss [L/N], about the Vampire of the Blue moon, The book of Vanitas and about the accident of your family the [L/N] clan Miss [Y/N] [L/N]."

Your blood started to boil. No way in hell you were going to give any information about you and your family to this sketchy ass lord. But before you could say anything you heard Vanitas let out a small laugh beside you.

"You're right." He says while standing up. "We should devote this time to more fruitful discussions. Which is why i'd like to start with my request." Vanitas says with a smirk on his face.

"What is it? Speak." Lord Ruthven says sternly.

"I thought you'd never ask. Take me to your queen." Vanitas demanded rather than ask, with not a care in the world. Suddenly it fell quiet. The pink haired lady gasped.

"What?" Lord Ruthven says. His so called friendly demeanour changing drastically to a threatening one. Which didn't face Vanitas at all.

"Didn't you hear me?" He says with a smug look on his face. "I'm telling you to take me to your queen."

"With what purpose?"

"My purpose? It's simple. I believe it is the queen that gives rise to curse-bearers." The atmosphere became even more intense than before. Noé and you look confused at Vanitas. What's Vanitas talking about. What is he getting at.

"Don't spout such nonsense, human!" The pink haired girl yells at him. Luca just gets up calmly of his chair, which makes Vanitas look at him while still talking about his demand.

"What's the big deal? Just let me see her. I merely wish to examine every nook and cranny of Her Majesty's body." The girl launches at him but Vanitas dodges her.

"Insolent fool!" She yells.

"Well, Ruthven? What do you say? It should be easy with the grand duke's prerogative." His smirk growing even more malicious. "How long has it been since the queen was seen in public? Why has she become a hermit?"

"Vanita-?" Noé says, looking shocked but was interrupted by Vanitas his laugh.

Luca looks at his uncle with worry. "Uncle?"

"I ask you, does your queen yet live?"

That was the last straw. Lord Ruthvens eyes grew wide with rage. Purple and black flames coming from him and surrounding the office knocking everyone to the ground except for Luca who hugged him instead. When you looked up, coughing because of the smoke, you saw that Lord Ruthven had grabbed Vanitas by his throat holding him a few inches above the ground. Luca was trying to calm his enraged uncle down.

"Lord Uncle? Please, stop!"

"Leave this place at once, human. Every word you have spoken maligns the good name of our queen!" He said with still a fuming rage in his eyes. Vanitas was bleeding but still looked at him with a smirk on his face, but shaking because of the sheer force of which Lord Ruthven was grabbing his throat and he squeezed even harder making Vanitas gasp.

"I forbid you from ever setting foot in this castle again!"

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