Chapter 15

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Noé steps out from behind the barrier in to a big hall with balconies all over, carrying a terrified Vanitas as a hostage. Roland looks at them with wide eyes.


"Stay where you are, if you would. One false move, and i'll snap his skinny neck in a heartbeat." Noé threatens with still a horrifyingly scary face.

You were hiding in one of the balconies above.

"Foul vampire! What a dastardly thing to do!" Roland was willing to launch himself towards Noé to save Vanitas but another chasseur stopped him.

"Calm down captain Roland. It's probably a trap sir!"

"Yes but even so...!"

"What are you thinking idiot?! He'll see through this act." Vanitas says trying to squerm himself out of Noé's his grip.

"Act?" Vanitas looks at Noé confused when he says this. "You say the silliest things Vanitas."


"Did I not tell you before? We can win if we work together." Noé says with a psychotic look on his face.

"Your eyes are seriously scary right now! HEY! HELLO?! DON'T JUST STAND THERE ROLAND! HURRY UP AND SAVE ME!! I MEAN IT! I'M BEGGING YOU!! HELPP!!!" Vanitas begged while Noé laughed manically at his pleats.

You almost found it funny if you weren't so pissed right now but you ignore the feeling and stick to the plan you made with Noé.

"You're telling me that's an act, Georges?!" Roland asks with a frightened face.

"It's hard to tell."

"Vanitas there's just one point I agree with in what you said earlier." Noé whispers to Vanitas. "We can't let Roland start fighting and so have a nice trip!"

"HEY, WAIT! STOOOPPPP—" Vanitas yells in panic while Noé threw him towards the other side of the hall.

Roland sprinted towards Vanitas to catch him and the other chasseur marched towards Noé, that's when you jumped out of the balcony to grab the chasseur making him unable to move.

"Let me go!" He yells.

While you had the other chasseur. Noé sprinted towards Roland who had just caught Vanitas midair and was unable to fight back now. Noé kicked Vanitas and Roland hard to the ground.

Roland groans in pain. When he opens his eyes Noé is slowly walking towards him. You didn't have a clue what he was going to do. Suddenly Noé grabs Roland's hand.

"It's nice to meet you Roland!"

Roland his eyes widen in pure shock, You and Vanitas were also bewildered by the sudden formalities.

"My name is Noé and the vampire behind me is [Y/N]. We came underground with Vanitas to investigate a certain incident."

Vanitas was still laying between Noé and Roland. "Hey, Noé, you idiot. Why are you introducing yourself?"

Noé ignores him and continues. "First please allow me to apologise for intruding on your territory without permission. However I swear to you that we did not kill the owners of these clothes, Nor did we hurt them anymore than necessary. So please! Please listen to what we have to say!"

You were almost going to explode with laughter but you held yourself together. Noé was just to adorable to be true.

"What are you...?!" Roland couldn't even formulate a sentence because of his shock and confusion. Suddenly the other chasseurs came in running.

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