Chapter 11

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"It's tarte...tatin!" Noé was looking at his dessert with beaming eyes. Like he never loved anything more in the world. You had no idea what kind of pastry this was but then again you weren't that in to sweets anyway. You made the attempt to taste it, but the first bite was instantly like eating a spoon full of sugar.

"Bleh, to sweet." Vanitas and you suddenly said in unison. This made the two off you look at each other and then quickly turn away continuing to ignore each other.

"You see just as I said, this is his favourite even as kids." Dominique said. She was also invited by Luca.

"Yes! I never dreamed he'd be this happy about it. Thank you very much, Dominique." Luca said with a big smile on his face.

"My teacher often bought tarte tatin in the human world and brought it back as a present." Noé explains and then quickly took his first bite. His eyes were beaming of pure joy.

"Firstly I wanted to apologise for the incident with my uncle." Luca said and bowed politely. "Also I don't know whether this is enough to count as thanks but Noé. You saved my life. You and Miss [L/N], you both saved the lives of many other vampires who were there, I can't thank you enough."

"You protected master Luca in my absence Noé thank you very much." Jeanne said with a genuine thankful gaze in her eyes, which made her look even more beautiful than she already was. This made Noé fluster a bit.

"No, no, no. You have it wrong! We weren't the only ones who put an end to the confusion. That was Vanitas's power!" Noé said. You agree but didn't say anything because you were still mad at him. You always were a stubborn girl.

That's when Luca's nice gaze changed to a glare directed at Vanitas. Noé and you looked rather surprised but Vanitas face was just filled with joy and mock.

"Ofcourse i'm aware of that." Luca said making it obvious he didn't want to acknowledge that. "The fact that no curse-bearers were beheaded was most certainly thanks to him."

Vanitas just smirked at him while playing with the vork in his mouth.

"However, Vanitas! Before I express my thanks I want you to apologise for the night we met." Luca said demandingly.

"Apologise? Whatever for?" Vanitas said obviously with a sarcastic pout on his face.

Luca's cheeks reddened all of a sudden. You were completely confused. What had happend when they met? You thought to yourself.

"The first time we met! You... uhm... Jeanne. You forced yourself on Jeanne!!!"

You almost spilled your drink when you heard this.

"Oh, you mean the kiss?." Vanitas said bluntly, making everyone freeze up.

"That's right! Apologise for that first, if you would properly!" Luca shouted.

"Sorry." Vanitas blurts out without even a little bit of remorse or even meaning in to his apologie.


"You're rather a lot of trouble, aren't you. Anyway, who am I making this apology to? Jeanne or y-" Before he knew it Vanitas felt a painful sting on the side of his face. He places his hand on his cheek and looks next to him where you were standing.

"W-what the fuck did you do that for!" He looks at you with wide eyes. Everyone at the table were looking at you both, with utter shock. It was the spur of the moment but actually you didn't regret it at all.

"This is no time for your acts Vanitas apologise to her right now."

"I-i just did it because she was trying to kill Noé and I! It was a distraction!!"

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