Chapter 14

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Noé's eyes were still basically useless at the moment. You stand in front of Noé to protect him from Roland.

"[Y/N]! Fall back and take Noé with you. Don't try to fight alone!"

"Huh?! There is no way I'm leaving you here."

"You two are in no shape to worry about me! Noé didn't heed my warning so don't be stubborn for once and go!"

"Every time you open your mouth, it's impossible to follow. It's always the same story with you, Vanitas!" Noé argues.

"One moment. What did you just say?" Roland questions with wide eyes. "Vanitas?" He runs towards Vanitas and grabs his face harshly. "Black hair and blue eyes. Dear Vanitas... is that you?"

"What?" Vanitas looks confused at Roland.

"ARE-YOU-THE-ONE-THEY-CALL- VA-NI-TAS?!?!" He yells in his face.

"What the—?! Yes it's me!"

Roland was ecstatic all of a sudden and embraces Vanitas. "Dear god! Oh Lord, I give thanks for thy guiding hand!"

Vanitas was absolutely mortified trying to get out of his embrace. "To think we'd meet so soon! So the rumours about you being used by vampires were true!"

"Huh?! GET OFF ME!"

"Are they holding a loved one hostage?! This poor boy, forced to dwell among vampires and the Blue Moon Clan. What a pitiful creature."

Suddenly Vanitas had scratched Roland on his face with rage in his eyes.

"You people will never change. You cast pity where it's unwanted. You don't realise you look down on others."

Roland his eyes widen.

"Listen! I choose my own path no matter what I do! I consort with vampires. I snuck into your lair. And I just racked your face. It was all of my own free will! You fools may be slaves to this god of yours, but not me!"

It fell quiet for a few seconds. Suddenly the only thing that could be heard was Rolands tears that fell on the ground. He was basically weeping.

"You poor thing."

Vanitas looked absolutely terrified and disgusted at the same time. You were looking at Noé here and there to see if his eyes had started to get to normal.

Again Roland closed up to Vanitas. "Open your eyes, Vanitas! The word of god shall not reach your soul if you turn your back on his light!"


Roland grabs a hold of Vanitas his hands.

"Look at me! I want you to know god's love through me! It's all right."

"Huh!" Vanitas looked more and more frightened by the second.

"There is nothing to fear. Though you have gone astray, the lord will never abandon you! I shall not fail to save you from the vampires evil clutches."


That's when Roland turned around towards Noé and you. "It's time, Durandal! He took out a weapon, it has two large spearheads tapering to a sharp point, connected centrally by a thin staff.

You push Noé to the side and that's when Roland attacked towards you.

"[Y/N]!" Vanitas yelled.

You dodged Roland's attack, but he sure was fast and swift with his movements for a human.

"Chasseurs are no mere humans! They use drugs to enhance their combat skills!"

"That explains it! Seriously Vanitas learn to say these things sooner." You say while still dodging every one of Roland's his blows.

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