Chapter 17

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As you get ready for the night out with Domi and Jeanne, you take a long bath, scrubbing your skin with lavender soap and soaking in the warm water. You then carefully dry yourself off, moisturize your skin with rose-scented lotion, and start on your hair and makeup. You decide to style your hair into loose waves, framing your face, and add a touch of red to your lips to make them pop.

You put on your favorite corset, lacing it tightly to emphasize your curves. You then slip on your black stockings and attach them to your garter belt before putting on your beautiful black dress that accentuates your body. The dress is long and flowing, with a tight bodice that hugs your curves and a full skirt that sways with each step you take. You pair it with some simple black pumps and a pair of a pearl necklace and earrings.

As you step back to take a final look in the mirror, you can't help but feel proud of how stunning you look. You grab your clutch with essentials, and head out the door.


You arrive at the bar, the dim light and the sound of live-music filling the room. You can hear laughter and chatter, the smell of alcohol and tobacco smoke hanging in the air. Jeanne and Domi wave at you, already seated at a table in the corner. You make your way over, your heart racing with excitement.

As you approach the table, Domi stands up enthusiasm coating her face, greeting you with a warm hug.

"Wow, you look stunning!" she exclaims, admiring your black dress.

Jeanne also stands up and gives you a hug. ''Good evening Miss [L/N], that's a beautiful dress.

''Please just call me [Y/N].''

You feel a rush of happiness at their compliments and take a seat next to them.

"So, what's the plan for tonight?" you ask, eager to start the evening.

Domi pulls out a menu and starts scanning through it, "I think we should start with some drinks and then maybe order some snacks and then we can continue to the juicy gossips in our lifes. Oh, and there's a band playing later on, so we can dance and have some fun!"

Jeanne and you nod in agreement.

''So Jeanne, did Luca give you easy permission to take an evening off?'' Domi asks curious.

Jeanne smiles warmly. ''Oh, yes he was actually quite excited for me. He is always encouraging me to have fun, enjoy life and not to take my job always so seriously."

''That's so sweet of him.'' You commented. ''Well, we can gladly help you with that."

Domi's eyes light up with excitement and her smile widens as she hears your comment. ''Exactly!'' She nods vigorously. ''That's why I invited the two of you. I want us to be closer. In these crazy times we need good friendships to help us true hard times.''

As she finishes speaking, the waiter comes over to take your drink orders. You all decide to order a red wine each, and he writes down your requests on his notepad. As he turns to leave, he looks at you with a smile and he gives you a wink, you feel a blush creeping up your cheeks.

The girls notice his flirtatious behavior and immediately start teasing you about it.

''Looks like someones got a fan,'' Jeanne giggles.

''He's cute, you should go for it,'' Domi adds with a playful smirk, nudging you playfully.

As you laugh nervously at the teasing comments of Jeanne and Domi about the waiter, your mind automatically drifts off to Vanitas. You couldn't help but think about him and wondering what he was doing, or if he's still mad at you.

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