Chapter 13

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You and Noé were sitting in the dining room eating your breakfast. He said that Vanitas was running some errands. You were actually glad he wasn't here yet. Just the mere thought of seeing him after what happend yesterday made your cheeks heat up.

"So Miss [L/N] I-"

"Please just call me [Y/N], Noé."

"Alright." He smiled. "I heard from Miss Amelia that you and Vanitas went sightseeing yesterday."

You almost chocked on your tea. You try to compose yourself by clearing your throat. "It went quite well. Paris is just lovely."

"Right?!" Noé reacted excitedly. "I was rather disappointed I couldn't go with you two. But I had to work."

"Yes. Vanitas told me." You say while looking away. You were getting nervous just by mentioning his name.

"Well, I'm happy you enjoyed Paris [Y/N]. I do hope next time we could go for a walk all together."

"I would love that." You smiled.

Actually you felt bad. You had a feeling you could trust Noé, and you were sure he would be a great friend. He already was actually but you just need to confide more in him. You wanted to talk to Domi about some of the things that had happend yesterday but she has duties in house De Sade all week. You didn't want to keep to many secrets from Noé, but you weren't ready to talk about Vanitas yet. You were still processing it yourself.

"Noé. I- uhm actually wanted to share something with you about yesterday."

He looked at you surprised. "But of course. I'm all ears."

"Yesterday Vanitas and I came across one of my uncle's guards."

His eyes widen and a look of worry covers his face. "Oh dear, you must've been frightened did he do something?" He grabs both your hand.

You immediately feel a sense of comfort.
"Honestly I was. But no, nothing happend. Vanitas threw a smoke bomb and we escaped."

"I see, i'm glad he was there to protect you." He let out a relieved sigh.

You chuckle. "Yes. I'm quite lucky to have met you both. To be honest I already felt save with you two but yesterday it crumbled a bit because of that guard. I just don't wish any harm upon you two because of me."

Noé grabs your hands even tighter. "We are here for whatever you need [Y/N]. I know for sure the three of us can accomplish anything and protect one another."

You chuckle. His optimism was refreshing. "Thank you Noé, I really appreciate it."

"If you want to talk about anything else i'm here for you. I would say Vanitas to but emotional support isn't really his thing."

You look at him confused. "Really? He rather did a good job yesterday."

Noé's his eyes widen. "Wait! Really?! How?"

You blush. "Well- uhm. He just said something a long the lines of both will protect me and that running away won't solve anything and that if I did he would haunt me down and drag me back here but I don't really remember much heheh, I was rather shaken up." Of course you lied about that last part. You remember everything he said.

You look back at him. Noè was looking at you with utter shock and disbelieve. "HE DID! THAT'S EXTRAORDINARY! I believed he had no knowledge of human feelings at all. How interesting."

You just laughed nervously. "I-i don't know."

"He must care for you."

That remark made you almost fall off your chair. "T-that's a little over the top isn't it?"

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