Chapter 3

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The three of you were all dressed and ready, walking towards the office of Count Orlok. Well actually all four. The cat of Noé, Murr was walking beside you.

"You damn witch, why did you let Noé go in the bathroom after you?" Vanitas asks annoyed and walks quickly so he could walk in front of you, but you didn't let him.

"HAHAH because I felt like it, you were annoying me yelling every 5 minutes that I had to hurry up and you were bonking on the door like a lunatic, man I couldn't even relax."

"Well that was the point." He says shrugging his shoulders.

In your life you've encountered  many people who you found irritating and unbearable but the number one had to be him for sure.

Before he knew it you had kicked him and he fell face first on the ground. "AHHH!! FUCK ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL ME!" He says with a red mark forming on his forehead.

"Yup, but I can't seem to get lucky, have to try harder I guess." You look behind you to talk to Noé but you didn't see him anywhere, only Murr next to you. "Uhm Vanitas, where is Noé?"

He stands up and looks hysterically around him. "NOÉ!!!! DAMN IT not again." Vanitas yells aggravated.

"Again? Does this happen often?" You look at him confused.

"Like you couldn't even imagine. He gets easily distracted when he sees something he finds interesting and wanders off. I was keeping an eye on him but you had to kick me didn't you?!?"

"Oh so now it's my fault, wonderful. Anyway what does he find interesting? If it's nearby we can find him."

With that Vanitas his expression changed. "Alright... listen [Y/N] in addition through observation i've learned that he tends to prefer:
1. Narrow side roads to wide and straight avenues.
2. Crowded places and places with good visibility." He tells you in a serious detective mode tone.

What took you back a little was that it was the first time you heard him say your name and you couldn't help but think it sounded kind off nice when he said it, but you quickly shook that thought out off your head.

"And also stairs..."

"Stairs?" You look at him confused

"I cannot begin to understand exactly what sort of attraction a simple sequence of level differences could possibly hold, but! When a staircase presents itself, whether it happens to be going up or down, there's a good probability he will take it."

"Right.... So it's my first time in Paris actually, so i'm afraid I can't be a lot of help to you."

"Pfff like I would expect any kind of help from you." He says with a cheeky smirk.

"Why you piece of—"

He interrupts you before you could finish your sentence. "In any case the important thing is if there's a crowd, he'll go take a look, if something smells good he'll head towards it, if a shop attracts his attention he's certain to go in!"

"So basically he's a child." You say bored. He is giving you a little to much information it's almost a lecture.

"Pretty much."

You two walk back were you came from and search every shop, place that sells food and crowds.

"I really need to put a leash on him." Vanitas says scratching his forehead.

"Maybe you should." You two cross the street and you got distracted by a beautiful bridge up ahead of you. Thats when you see Noé across the street yelling something.

"[Y/N] WATCH OUT!" He yells.

You look to your right and that's when you see a car heading right towards you. Before the car could hit you you feel someone grabbing you by your arm and pulling you towards them. You felt him against your back and you look behind you.

"Are you alright [Y/N]?" Vanitas says in a calm tone. You look back at him and you remembered the night you two met. His eyes were the first thing that caught your attention and now that you were looking at them up close you knew why, they were beautiful.

You've never seen anything as blue as his eyes but actually Vanitas in general was very handsome. Yep you were lost there for a minute.

Vanitas looks back at you and he to was lost there for a minute. He knew you were beautiful but it was now he realised it for real. He quickly made himself snap out of it and flicked you on your forehead.

"Oi! Princess wake up, why did you zone off like that?" He startled you and you rub your forehead where he flicked you.

"Uh..uhm i'm sorry I was just looking at that bridge over there and uhm..." You say embarrassed and take a few steps back from him to try and breath again.

"Oh my... I won't be dealing with another airhead like Noé am I?" He says teasingly.

You hit him on the back of his head and he just starts laughing.

"I'm not normally like that, I just..." You sighed
"I've just never went sightseeing somewhere before or in general looked around somewhere that hasn't been my home town and even there I rarely left my house."

Vanitas looks at you confused. "You've been on the run how did you not?"

"I wasn't really paying attention to my surroundings, well I did but more if someone was in the corner trying to kidnap me or something." Vanitas looks at you and you couldn't quite read his expression.

"If you want we cou—" Vanitas was suddenly interrupted by Noè who came running towards you two.

"[Y/N] are you okay?" Noè asks with a concerned look on his face.

"Yes, thank you Noè i'm fine. Where were you by the way?"

"I came across the most peculiar shop and when I looked around you two were gone."

Vanitas storms towards him and hits him on the back of his head. "You fool stop wandering around!"

"AGH i'm sorry Vanitas but don't hit me would you."

You laughed, they were a odd pair but they seem to get along well in a weird way.

The three of you start walking again towards the office of Count Orlok.

"Noé walk in front of us, before you go wandering off again." Vanitas says and pushes Noé in front of him.

"Alright, alright calm down."

You laugh. Vanitas who was walking next to you, takes a few steps closer towards you. "If you want I could show you around Paris someday?"

You look at him with a small smile, feeling most grateful for the offer. "I would actually take you up on that, but i'm afraid I won't be staying here for long."

He leans towards your ear.

"We'll see about that." He whispers.

You got startled, goosebumps were starting to grow on your skin and heat starts to raise up to your cheeks. You push him off you and kicked him.

"Get off me you idiot!"

He just starts laughing at you.

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