"Make me," I said challengingly.
He looked at me daringly, and then suddenly smashed his lips against mine, he sucked on my bottom lip making me let out another moan, I kissed him back, but then he abruptly broke the kiss too soon, leaving me feelin...
When I came upstairs there were three rooms, like mom showed me from the photos, Zack's room was the one closest to the stairs, then the boys room and at the end was my room. I hadn't checked the top floor, and I wasn't planning to either because it was mom and Ethan's bedroom. The hallway had one bathroom, which was probably the boys and didn't dare go in there after what a mess it was the last time I went there by mistake when we were visiting. I went straight to my room and hopped over my bags to open the door. As the door opened with a small creak I inhaled the most beautiful room I had ever seen. It had white cupboards, a white closet, a white bed with white sheets, and the side tables were camouflaged by the white walls. Perfect. Just perfectly perfect!
I always had a love for white, I didn't find any colors amusing really except for white and black. So when mom asked me what I wanted to do for my room, I told her to make everything white, because she wouldn't let me make it black.
I stood in front of the oval mirror decorated with white flowers carved on it and thought about how I wanted to put my stuff. Then I thought about bringing some real colors to the room and put columns of fake vine leaves on the wall with the mirror and stuck multi-color LED light around the bottom of my bed and the head board. I put some record players I bought a month ago on the wall over my queen sized bed and stuck them on with the strongest tape I heard of (Ethan said it would be fine). Then I moved to my desk and moved the small cactus from my side table to the shelf above me desk, Ethan had gotten it for me so I had some color in the room. I added some white dried flower candles and a lamp to my desk as well as my laptop, then I added a salt clock to my side table which Mom had given me for Christmas last year.
Then I moved onto my closet and unpacked all my clothes (which weren't many in the first place) and hanged them in. I had enjoyed surprisingly a lot decorating my room and by the time I was done it was around noon. Mom had come in to call me for lunch, but when I told her I wasn't hungry she didn't insist like she normally would, probably because she could see I was busy decorating.
I now lay on my new bed (which by the way had the softest mattress) exhausted, I still didn't feel hungry so I drank some water and closed my eyes. I tired ignoring all the crazy and nervous thoughts I was having about this new house, place, room, people, and most of all school. I had been dreading saying goodbye to my friends in my old school and now I was starting in this new school in the middle of the year. I hoped there would be more new students, but Ethan said there weren't many new comers and it would only be occasional to see a new face. I didn't know what I was going to wear or how I'd even get to class, I didn't even know what time it started.
I had two more days before I joined and I was panicking more and more and worrying a lot every minute that passed. I didn't know anyone except for Stephan and Cameron from school and I wasn't sure if the people were nice here.
Suddenly I heard someone knock on the door "Come in" I said slowly, and I saw Stephan leaning against my door side.
"Hey Bel- oh wow you've really gone out!" He said looking at my now colorful room.
"Thanks?" I said confused if that was a compliment or not.
"Anyways I came to ask if you want me to take you to the mall tomorrow?" He said brushing his brown hair that looked like black, out of his eyes.
"Um why'd you ask." I blurted then I gave myself a slap in my head. Where were my manners? Why'd I ask what was on my mind?
"Because I'm driving Natalia to the mall and she thought you should come with her as well 'cause you left most of your clothes." He said being totally ok with me being so rude and straight up.
"Oh yeah please, I really need to get more clothes." I said suddenly remembering I should get something to wear to school. Stephan nodded and was about to leave, but then he turned around.
"Oh by the way, I'm not sure you know, but you don't need to get anything for school." Stephan said, I was confused.
"What?" I asked
"We've got a uniform." Stephan said and I understood he was talking about buying clothes to wear to school.
"Wait why do we have a uniform?" I asked confused.
"Don't know, I think it's so that we represent the school or something, but I'm not sure." He said.
"How expensive is this school?" I said under my breath but I didn't notice that he heard me.
"Uh it's not, all the schools here require a uniform since a couple years back actually." Stephan said.
"Oh" Was all I could say.
"Yeah, well see you at dinner then." He said and I gave a slight wave before he shut the door and I fell on the bed again. Great now I'd have to wear a horrible uniform everyday.
I so agree with Bella, I had to wear a uniform to school and I hated it so so so so so much! we all look the same and fashion is my favorite way to express myself other than art, so it was a total let down to wear the same thing the whole school wears 5 times a week.
2nd chapter of 2nd book = DONE!!!!
Tell me what you think about the book until now, and do you guys feel like you would be able to adjust better than Bella or would it be hard for you to move into some place you've only visited a couple times and suddenly have such a huge family? Let me know in the comment section :)
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