Dinner, Dinner, in his house

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I really hope you like this chapter and I just want to thank you guys for reading! I hope you have an amazing day!

 Spend a little extra time with your close ones this weekend :)

"Belly!" Zack exclaimed as I entered the house, he clung to my leg and I laughed putting my backpack on the side.

"Hi buddy, how was school?" I asked ruffling his blonde hair.

"Awesome, me and Alice were in the same team for cleaning up, and it was so much fun!" He shouted putting his hands up in the air.

"You're really good friends with her huh?" I asked more to myself than him.

"Yup." He said smiling.

"Hey guys." Mom said greeting us and giving all of us a hug, it still felt weird how she gave the same love to Cam, Steph and Zack, but when I remembered how great my brothers are I forget about the thought.

"So mom I was thinking of baking today?" I ask after washing my hands.

"Yes!" Cameron says and Zack starts jumping.

"Uh actually we're going to be late, so can you guys clean up in...about thirty minutes and come downstairs?" She asked checking her watch. Steph nodded as if he knew we were going somewhere, while Cam and I looked at mom confused.

"Where are we going?" Cameron asked

"Oh, I'm so sorry, I thought I messaged Stephan to tell you and Bella...Stephan did you forget?" Mom asked looking at him, her hands on her hips.

"Uh...maybe." He said sheepishly, mom groaned.

"Sorry, my math teacher sent me a message after you, about wanting to talk about my grades with me, and I was just really nervous...that I completely forgot." He said explaining a story I was doubting was true.

"Oh well it's all right." Mom said.

"So where are we going?" Cameron asked again.

"We're going over for dinner at the Kennedy's, it's last minute, so we weren't able to tell you last night or in the morning." Mom said sighing.

Wait who did she say we're going over to?

"Wait you mean Kennedy's- as in- Rya- Alice's place?" I asked stuttering in shock.

"Well yes, now hurry up, I need you guys to be ready in thirty minutes! Ethan's at the flower shop right now, so hurry up!" Mom rushed us and carried Zack to his room, to help him change.

I looked over at Stephan and Cameron still in shock.

"Well looks like it's time to become those over-protective brothers you've always dreamed of." Stephan said stretching his arms.

"Should I put a bat in the car?" Cam asked plainly.

"Nah, our hands will do." Stephan said.

"What the hell do you need a bat for, anyways?" I say rolling my eyes at how dramatic their being.

"Just incase Ryan tries flirting with you, you never know." Cameron said.

"I thought he was your friend?" I ask, scoffing.

"Sure, but he's also younger than us." Stephan said.

"And immature." Cameron said seriously, Stephan and I suddenly let out a laugh.

"Dude, you're not anyone to judge who's mature or not." Stephan said cracking up as I did.

"Yeah well I'm not wrong!" Cameron said.

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