The jump change

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Aloha people, and welcome back to those of you who read my first book that I just finished writing not so long ago, anyways I had an I idea of what I wanted to write and for those of you who read my last book (again)- no this one I didn't really want to write because I couldn't find anything similar, but maybe just maybe this used to be a fantasy world when I was younger. Anyways I hope you guys love this one as well and the ones who didn't like the book or didn't even bother to read it, I'm sorry for your loss.

Helpful tips and opinions are always appreciated! (only if said nicely) So get those fingers ready to type and good luck with another book which probably has millions of spelling mistakes- which like again I will probably not fix again-lol (unless you guys keep me hyped and reach this book up until...1k-thousand- reads or 100 votes) but yeah, stay safe in this stressing period of life and (hopefully) enjoyyyyyy!

Btw the pic above is how I imagine Bella Myers

"Bella you ready?!" Mom asked as the car stopped in front of a house that looked exactly the same as all the others on the street. I gave Mom a weak smile, but she took it.

We had finally arrived to the place I feared most I'd end up. Mom was so excited she could just start dancing in the car and make it flip over. I took out my headphones and wrapped them around my fingers before putting them in their case. I saw Mom replying a layer of lipstick for the tenth time and she handed me a brush while giving a look saying 'fix that mess of a hair'. I brushed out each and every strand slowly making my already sleek straight hair even more straight, then I zipped up my bag and got out of the car taking a deep breath. This was Mom's biggest dream and I had to make sure I didn't mess up. 

I got out and took out my luggage and bag from the car. Then when I looked up I realized how every house on the street was huge and white, and they all looked so fancy. Each and every one of the houses had a lawn with the grass cut perfectly. They all had a fancy silver lamp and a white mailbox. The entire street until the end looked so elegant, not mentioning how beautifully the bushes were cut and underneath them were magenta bush rocks.

"Oh my, this place looks so wonderful!" Mom said when she saw I was looking around, then she came to my side and hugged me.

"But you know, those people inside this one are even better." Mom said. I knew what she meant, she just wanted me to fit in and fell happy and even comfortable. After all we were finally getting a family. But I'm not even sure I ever wanted one in the first place. I was always happy with it being me and just Mom, I never thought we were missing something. I knew Mom felt guilty and upset sometimes and would apologize to me for not being able to give me a happy complete family, but Mom was enough for me, I didn't need anyone else. Of course she never got that though.

So when she went to study a economics course and fell in love with Ethan, I couldn't say no because I saw how happy it made Mom when Ethan proposed. So now I was outside my stepdad and my stepbrothers' house with all my stuff. 

I hadn't even brought that much stuff with me, all I had were my clothes a couple things I couldn't live without (like my swimming awards) and Mom her clothes. Ethan said I would get my own room and it would be set exactly as I wanted, even though I was always happy just sharing a room with Mom and talking for hours at night.

"Ok let's go!" Mom said paying the taxi driver and carrying her luggage. This was the last taxi drive we'd take together after this it would always be in fancy cars and we'd probably never be alone together, Ethan insisted he comes to pick us up from the train station, but I hinted Mom that I wanted just one last chance to be with her alone before everything changed.

Mom and I carried our stuff to the doorstep and I rang the bell, even the sound of the bell was fancy. Even though Mom and I weren't poor and could spoil ourselves quite a lot, we could have never been able to afford this house. Which was why my neighbors started calling Mom a gold digger even though she was the sweetest to them giving them gifts every holiday or helping out in any problems they came across. Now when my Mom was finally happy and married they called her a gold digger and said she was just playing the rich man for cash. But I knew my Mom more than anyone and there was no way she did. After dad left a lot of wealthy men proposed to my Mom, some were guys who she worked with and others would be single parents as well, but she just didn't accept any of them. She said she had fell in love with my dad and when she left it did break her heart, but she saw no meaning in marrying a man she knew she couldn't love since her heart was still with my dad. So when she told me she loved Ethan I was sure she really did.

I could faintly hear footsteps approaching the door, Mom gave me a warm smile, she was really excited. Then the door opened an in view came a little toddler standing on his toes to hold the door handle. Mom put down her stuff and smiled even wider.

"Hello, Zack!" My Mom said bending down and and putting out her hand, he looked at it for a while then he slowly brought his hand towards her and shook it, but he didn't reply with a smile but a nod. Then from a corner a tall man with dark curly brown hair and a bright t-shirt with green shorts walked towards us with the same warm smile Mom had.

"Bella! Oh finally you guys arrived!" Ethan said and took my suitcase.

"Hello Ethan it's great we're finally here!" Mom said hugging me from the side. I could see how much they wanted to hug each other and be affectionate, but I was grateful they held themselves together.

"Stephan, Cameron- boys they're here!" Ethan called up the stairs. Suddenly two tall guys came rushing down the stairs as if they were racing down the stairs. Then when they saw Mom and me  they gave a slight smile. They both had brown hair from Ethan and were tall like him. The one which was one year younger- Cameron- had short curly hair puffed up in front of his forehead and Stephen, the older one had short hair brushed back. Cameron had his hands stuffed in his pockets and Stephan smiled at me.

"Guys come on this is not the first time you're meeting." Ethan said and the boys jumped into action.

"Hey Bella, we can take your stuff up to your room." Stephan said and Cameron took my bag and suitcase.

"Uh- no I think I..." My voice trailed off before I could finish as Cameron snatched my bags from me and bolted up to put them. 

"Don't worry he won't go in, and we promise we'll try not to disturb you, although Cameron can get a little loud." Stephan said when he saw my misplaced smile.

"Thanks, but don't worry about it." I said just to be polite, besides it was always quite in our apartment, I'd have to get used to their rushing and running.

"Well you should probably go check out your room." Stephan said and picked up Zack in his arms. Then I noticed mom and Ethan had disappeared, but I didn't want to go see where they were, I quickly nodded before heading upstairs.

Yay first chapter done!!!!! What do you guys think this book is going to be about? and do you think you'll like it?

Yay first chapter done!!!!! What do you guys think this book is going to be about? and do you think you'll like it?

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