Single Ladies

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All jokes aside this song is killer, idc what you say the beat is so catchy, hahaha, anyways enjoy the chapter.

"Can you guys stop fighting?!" I shouted at Stephan and Cameron who had been arguing in the car yet again. This time it was about taking the car to a party they were both going to, and these guys were getting on my nerves, as Stephan drove slower and I did not want to be late for school.

"Well tell him to shut the fuck up, then." Stephan said.

"Dude, you took the car last week, it's my turn!" Cameron said ignoring my request.

"Nuh-uh I took it last week 'cause you owed me." Stephan said.

"What?! I don't owe you for anything." Cameron said.

"Yeah you do, you took the car to take Ally on that date of yours- which by the way, may I remind you was a total flop." Stephan said rubbing in Cameron's failed date. 

I hadn't been able to ask Ally about her and my brother's date, so this was news to me. It wasn't that much of a surprise the date was a 'flop' but Ally did make it clear she wasn't going to explore dating until she was in college. My mom sure will love Ally, and push me towards the same point of view, I kind of already was anyways though.

"Hey, and by the way, she's not even my type." He said, now I was mad, just because he couldn't date her did not mean he acts all high and says he didn't like her anyway.

"Yeah right, like we haven't seen you always waving at her and staring at her in the hallways." I scoffed. I was not even sure that was true, but I decided to go with it, confidently, and his flushed cheeks made it clear I assumed correctly.

Stephan started cracking up and kept saying Cameron was whipped. Cameron kept hitting Stephan with his bag until I screamed because Stephan was about to crash. Then I started hitting Cameron with his own bag.

"So can I have the car?" Cameron asked as we arrived.

"Why can't you guys go together, you're going to the same fucking party." I said rolling my eyes and putting my phone inside my bag for the day.

"Yeah, Steph here likes to go back home with a girl and it's hell when you're sitting in the back seat with Stephan being all horny and flirty, not an image I want to ever experience again." Cameron explained shuddering.

"Shut up, asshole, at least I'm not whipped over some A student who is younger than me." Stephan said pushing Cameron with his shoulder before going to the seniors building.

"Dickhead." Cameron murmured rubbing his arm, I laughed before we both went to school, and like before I didn't have to rush to the other side of the school so people wouldn't find out who my stepbrothers were, or that I had stepbrothers.

I pushed the door to my class and went to my usual seat, next to Carly. She was typing quickly on her laptop her eyes narrowed to read some tiny writing on the screen.

"Hey Carly, you ok?" I asked sitting down.

"Yep, all good." She said still focused on the screen.

"Well, what's up?" I asked.

"I may have forgotten to do my part of the PowerPoint and it's due tomorrow, Tammy's killing me with his questions of how I had forgotten to finish during an entire three days." She said finally looking up at me.

"So what, it's due tomorrow, relax, you'll get it done after school." I said shrugging.

"No, I won't, I've got ballet class after school then a piano lesson." She said looking stressed.

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