Sixth Grade

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Hello People, new chapter! Sorry, it's a little late, but I was studying for my History test. Kinda ironic when you think of it....ahhhh if only I had a history partner ;)


We were all scattered over the place now, doing our part.

I could see Carly going towards the coach, who was blowing his whistle. She smiled at him and made up a conversation while from the corner, Lily went to the bleachers and looked for Ryan's bag.

"Uh, I should've gone, Lily doesn't know what his bag looks like." Ally said tapping her foot nervously.

"Text her," I said, spotting Lily's phone in her hand. Ally quickly typed and Lily started looking for the specific description she read from the text.

"Oh-oh, the coach isn't getting distracted, not enough for him not to notice what Lily is doing," Jessy said worriedly.

"Perfect, I knew Carly would get distracted by Ryan, I'll handle it." Ally said sighing, she walked towards the coach, walking close to the border of the pool.

"Oh no, she better not be doing what I think she is." I said my eyes widening in horror.

"Oh no, she is exactly doing." Jessy said, I bit my lip. Suddenly Ally faked slipping and she fell into the water, she shouted out and while the boys were swimming on the opposite side of the pool the coach ran towards her, with Carly behind him. The coach grabbed one of the lifeguard floaties and threw it to her. Carly facepalmed herself, looking in our direction in confusion and fear. Jessy shrugged guiltily, and even I was in pure shock, I couldn't believe Ally did that for me. Just so I could get that picture off Ryan's laptop, she faked it. It made me think of all the friends I've had, if they were in her situation, they'd probably leave me alone in this shit and I'd be all alone. I noted in my head to thank her, and to be as good of a friend, if not better to these people. They were doing all this for me.

"Lily found the keys!" Jessy said as she saw Lily grab them and to a little victory dance. While the coach was still distracted with Ally, Lily quickly darted towards us, she threw the keys to Jessy and she threw them to me. I went towards the boys' lockers and Jessy stopped right in front of the door.

I searched for the locker number Ally told me, and I unlocked it before I opened up Ryan's backpack. I took out the heavy laptop and opened it, but to my shock, it had a password on it. Had Ryan heard us and put a password, or was it Scarlet after she put the photo on his desktop.

My heartbeat raced as thought of every password possible. What could've Scarlet keep the password as? I typed in all the possibilities.




Scyan (their non-existent ship name)

Rylet (Another possibility of their non-existent ship name)

Not even one of them was the answer. I chewed on my lip and looked around as if it would help me.

"Oh no, Ryan's getting out of the pool!" Jessy peeked her head into the door, she was breathing quickly which meant she just ran and saw him.

"I need a little more time, Scarlet put a password!" I said nervously, Jessy's eyes widened.

"I don't know how long we can keep him distracted, I'll try." She said and ran out.

I stand up and walk around the place with the laptop in hand. I look at the logo on it then tilt it up and down nervously. Suddenly I feel a paper graze my fingers, I turn the laptop upside down, and there's a note stuck on there.

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