Stupid PPT

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Enjoy the chapter! Aaaah I can't beleive it's a new year in less than 24 hours!!!!
What are your new year resolutions?!
2022 >>>>

"How long will this PowerPoint take?" Mom asked.

"Depends how slow he works," I said shrugging, putting more cheerios in my cereal bowl.

"Alright, well you can work in the dining room." Mom said.

"Mommmm, I already told you we can't work there, Zack and literally everyone is there!" I said explaining for the millionth time.

"Well, that's the only place you're allowed to work." Mom said slurping on her coffee.

"But mom-"

"I don't understand what the problem is, she can work in her room?" Ethan said putting bread in the toaster.

"Oh no, she's definitely not working in her bedroom with him." Cameron said laughing.

I narrowed my eyes at him, not understanding why everyone had to butt into the conversation. He gave me a grin in reply.

"Why not?!" I asked Cameron and Stephan sighed.

"Firstly because he's a guy," Stephan said.

"So wha-"

"Second of all, he isn't just any guy who's in the mathletes, he's Ryan the guy I've seen girls do...let's just say about anything for." Cameron interrupted.

"And lastly-" Stephan was saying before Zack came in crying with his teddy bear and yellow minion pajamas.

"Zack, what happened?" Mom asked carrying him in her arms.

"I saw a shark!" He said referring to a scary nightmare he had.

"Oh there buddy, everything's okay you're safe." Ethan said taking him from mom telling her to finish the conversation while he handles that. Mom smiled at him then turned towards us, who were sitting at the table.

I was glaring at both Stephan and Cameron and they were mindlessly munching on cereal.

"Okay, first I wasn't that worried, but Cam now that you say this, Bella you are definitely working in the living room." Mom said, I sighed.

"Mommmm," I said.

"Honey, I think you should let her work in her room, she's quite mature and knows what's right and wrong, maybe put a little trust in her?" Ethan said coming back in the kitchen probably after putting Zack to sleep again.

Mom had this uncomfortable hesitating look on her face and I pleaded with my eyes for her not to be so overprotective. Stephan was about to say something, but Ethan glared at him while standing behind mom, making Stephan keep quiet.

Thank god

"Okay, you guys can work in the study room." mom said sighing while looking at me keenly.

She didn't have to tell me twice. All I wanted was not to be working in the living room, where everyone sits and watches me and Ryan work.

"Thank you!" I said putting my dishes in the sink before going up to change out of my pajamas.

Yes, I eat breakfast in my pajamas, it keeps the cozy morning vibe going longer!

I quickly went upstairs in my room and into my walk-in closet. I searched around for something comfy to wear and ended up with baggy ripped jeans and a cropped brown sweater. I was debating on putting in the effort of doing my makeup when I got a notification on my phone. I had two notifications.

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