He's just unbearable

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Another chapter is done, comment any pick up lines to make us laugh!
We need them, because life can really be unBEARable!

Hahahah enjoy this chapter

"Come on girl, you can do this!" Lily screamed at the top of her lungs cheering on Jessy.

"Jessy! Jessy! Jessy!" Our class shouted as Jessy started to slow down.

They were all very serious to win now that the prize changed, but I could still say Holly was the most determined. She hadn't taken even a break for a minute and had been standing there cheering on her class. Jessy's race was intense because apparently, she was not a good swimmer, and last year they lost because of Jessy giving up in the middle of the pool. The whole class cheered her and the you could see that the other classes started to get louder as well.

Jessy was slowly down a lot now and Lily had a serious look on her face, her hands were in tight fists held up as if she was stuck there until there was a winner.

"No Allen's going to win!" Braden sighed and knitting his hair with his fingers.

"No he's not." Carly said before walking down the steps and towards the pool.

"Come on Jessy, I thought you loved resorts more than this!" Carly shouted making her voice boom through the loud room, I bit my lip and everyone stressed over the race, while Penny and Scarlet sat at the top of the bleachers talking about their nail colors.

"Guys, she won't make it, we're losing this year too." A guy groaned sitting down, I looked at Lily and she shrugged having no clue what to do, Carly was still cheering on Jessy, but Jessy kicks had slowed down and were just enough for her to keep from drowning in the deep pool.

"I've got it!" Alex snapped his fingers with a smirk, he ran down the steps ignoring Braden question and went to Carly's side.

"Jessy if you don't get out of this pool in a minute, I'm taking you out!" Alex shouted bending down near the water so she hears.

Everyone stayed quiet watching for how Jessy reacts, and suddenly her pace increased, she started kicking like before if not with more power and her arms moved faster. The guy who was ahead of her touched the wall five seconds later, and our class erupted in cheers, shouts, and claps. Lily started jumping and you could hear Carly's squeals in the whole room.

Jessy got out of the pool and Carly gave her a towel, smiling Jessy walked up the bleachers to us and Lily hugged her not caring she was soaked.

"Dude I could literally kiss you right now, you're a genius!" Braden shouted hugging Alex in excitement. I looked over at Ryan and he was smiling he moved his head and met my gaze, I blushed at the eye contact and he high fived Alex.

"Okay, the first girl-boy race...Penny and Tammy, you're up!" Holly shouted up the bleachers so Penny could hear. I looked behind me and Penny turned pale white suddenly, as if she was scared of the water. Penny looked over at Scarlet, and Scarlet nodded laughing.

"Well go, didn't you hear her?" Scarlet asked as all eyes went to Penny and her.

"I...but... I can't" Penny whispered to Scarlet.

"Oh come on it's just water you won't die." Scarlet said.

"Are you kidding me?! Penny if you had a problem with the water why did you sign up?!" Braden huffed.

"Come down, bro." Ryan said putting a hand on Braden's shoulder while still looking at Penny, he walked up the steps and went to Penny while Tammy went the start of the pool.

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