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Klaus was In the study with his brother's and Marcel the next morning.

"I want to fly to Italy tonight and kill Greta and her Nazi hating narrow minded thugs, and I would ask that my Brother's come along" Klaus stated.

"I'm in, a chance for heart ripping and head chopping, sounds grand" Kol said first.

"Yes Niklaus I will come" Elijah announced.

"As will I Brother" Finn added.

Klaus nodded his head at them.

"Marcellus they have a small but growing number of followers in New York, will you take care of them, take some hybrids with you" Klaus asked of him

"Will do I'm going to ask Josh along they killed him he may want his revenge, also Klaus, Aiden wants to become a Hybrid, will you change him?" Marcel asked.

"Let us talk to Hayley, she knows him, I will be guided by her on this" Klaus informed him.

His Brother's looking at each other with smirks.

Klaus just snarled at them and left the room, the men laughing low toned.

"How did you sleep Bonnie? I hope you found everything to your liking with your room" Rebekah asked her, seated in the kitchen, Freya, Vincent, Keelin, Sage, Hayley,and Lucy, also at the kitchen table drinking blood or coffee the chiefs cooking breakfast for the occupants of the house, one by one the Brother's walked in and seated themselves.

"It is lovely Rebekah thank you" Bonnie replied eyeing Klaus a little nervously as he sat next to Hayley.

"Welcome Bonnie Bennett, I wanted to repeat as my other family members have already vowed to you, and that is you will not be harmed by my hand nor any Mikaelson hand." Klaus declared to her.

"Thank you, but why? I tried to kill you, shouldn't you want to kill me?" Bonnie asked him puzzled.

"You were defending your friends, you are loyal to them, I acknowledge loyalty and cannot fault you for that and you are powerful little witch it would be a shame to rid the world prematurely of one so brave and powerful" Klaus firmly stated, Elijah inclining his head in agreement.

"I am grateful to the Mikaelson's for the assurance, but still have uncertainties, so please tell me what you want from me so it's all out in the open" Bonnie said firmly wanting to know what they wanted from her.

They all liked the fact that Bonnie wanted to get right to the heart of the matter.

"Bonnie our Mother's coffin can only be opened by the Bennet bloodline, we ask you and Lucy to perform this so we can gather her blood, kill our Aunt Dahlia and then I will kill Mother" Freya said firmly and forcefully.

"The Bennet blood holds many of the keys to the Supernatural Bonnie, we ask you, ally with us to hold those keys in place but to also to eradicate, those that would put our family at risk and those of your friends." Freya went on sincerely.

"If I ally with you and help you, will you not harm my friends, will you take my opinions and views into consideration" Bonnie asked already feeling she was heard and had a voice amongst these people, more than she ever had with the save the Elena gang.

"Yes Bonnie we will, you have our word you are also welcome in our home this is your safe haven" Freya told her with conviction, as the other Mikaelson gave their agreement to Bonnie's words.

"Shall we prepare to kill our Mother" Finn stood.

"Yes Brother, Lets" Freya replied with a feral smile as the other witches, along with Kol, Finn and Sage, and the Bennett witches stood and left the kitchen.

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