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"I'm nervous and excited, I haven't seen New Orleans in years, and I am going as your Wife, and hopefully pregnant," Hayley said looking at him as he drove, her hand on her flat belly, watching as Klaus turned to her that arrogant smirk of his at her last said words.

"Of course your pregnant, with the amount of times we made love in the last 24 hours there is no doubt." He replied arrogantly.

Hayley smiled at her Alpha Man, "Yes honey, of course you are so right." She said sweetly, rolling her eyes with a smile.

Klaus smirking at her honeyed sarcastic words, "And as my Wife you have nothing to be nervous about the Family are waiting with bated breath for your return and the hybrid packs will be beside themselves to have their Queen back."

"Where will I sleep." Hayley asked quietly.

Klaus looked at her again, she had become tentative in the last few hours before they left Mystic Falls, he had wondered if the conception of their child had already affected her hormones and with that question, he was more certain they had.

"Hayley you are my Wife love, you and I will share my quarters in the compound, where else would you sleep, this in not like the last timeline sweetheart, we are married for eternity, I will never let you go," As he grabbed her hand, "Even if you want to." He said determined.

"No I'm not leaving, I would never leave, I just wasn't sure what you wanted, if I am pregnant we have fulfilled the requirement of the Restart...." Hayley trailed off, her bloody hormones had already kicked in, she was like a vulnerable little kid.

"We made our own requirements some time ago Hayley, we are Married and Binded love, and we are having a child together, that we will raise together as Parents that are committed to each other, your place is at my side, as my place is at yours, you are my Partner and Wife, do not doubt that Hayley." Klaus said compellingly, Hayley nodding her head convinced by his sincerely spoken words, relief relaxing her body, that did not go unnoticed by Klaus, thinking he would need to be mindful of her insecurities and assurge them when needed, he did not want his little wolf to feel that way.

"HAYLEY'S BACK TODAY" Keelin sang out as she danced around the courtyard grabbing Aiden and them dancing together, "Put some music on Joshie, this is cause for celebration." She shouted excitedly.

Josh grinned at Keelin as her and Aiden did acrobatic wolf moves around the courtyard, Vincent magically spelling all the furniture to the side of the room, and Josh put on some dance tunes. Kol, vamping in with Davina in his arms and swinging her to the ground them both getting into the music, Sage pulled Finn out of the study he was working with Freya in, going over some spell or another and showed her Ancient Husband some modern dance moves which surprisingly he picked up quickly, who knew, the Man had some moves, Freya joined Vincent and they got down and dirty, Ansel walking in on the dance party offered Rebekah his hand and proceeded to show the others a thing or two about getting down and dirty the agile Ancient wolf moving like a sinuous panther, Marcel, joining Josh in showing the others how it was done,

Damon and Cami walking in on the dance party also got into the moment the high spirits of the others infectious, Then The Noble One himself walked in with Gia on his arm in his immaculate suit, Gia dressed casually, smiling at the others, and swept Gia into his arms doing the Tango, Josh changed the music to a Spanish Tango mix and the compound was a blur of the most spectacular dancing of supernaturals, Bonnie and Enzo arriving just in time for the end of the first song and the second Spanish Tango mix starting.

And that's how Hayley and Klaus entered the compound the Family there dancing the Tango, seeing her, the girls screaming in delight at her arrival and rushing to her pulling her into a group hug, Josh turned the music down in volume as the Men of the Family came to greet and welcome her back,

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