Chapter 16

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"I would rather have you deaf for a short while than mind controlled by the Siren" Klaus said as he held her the next morning.

"I know, it's fine, just the initial shock at hearing it, Klaus you need to kill Alexandra as soon as we enter the Amory, and before she can say anything about being related to Enzo" Hayley said looking seriously into those blue eyes of his.

"If we hadn't needed Bonnie Bennett so much It would have been better to keep the Salvatore's and Enzo away from this, no matter, I will kill her first." Klaus replied with a smirk.

"Did you watch Kol bring down the otherside?" Hayley asked, her hands feeling their way down his muscled back, the feel of his warm naked skin on her fingertips, enjoying the slight tremors his body gave as she continued to stroke his back, Hayley had been surprised to learn that Klaus always slept naked, after they married, Elijah had always worn pj's as had Jackson, and she had assumed Klaus's paranoia would have him wearing pj pants at least, ready for trouble even in sleep, but he was full of quirks she didn't know, she hadn't known him intimately before, and as a hybrid he could be in jeans before you could blink.

"No Marcel told me all about it after, it was done, the Doppelganger is released from her gateway of torture and the otherside gone, so unless a supernatural in the Afterlife has powerful witches in the real world, the dead will remain dead." Klaus finished with a grin, wrapping his hand lightly around her throat thumbing her jawline, looking into her beautiful hazel eyes, pulling her body closer into his with his other arm, he kissed her deeply, enjoying her immediate response and the low moan that came from her throat, running his hands down her body to the hem of her nightie and taking it off her, he continued to kiss down her body, capturing one nipple in his mouth, Hayley's fingers sank into his hair, her breath becoming shallow, tugging his hair to lift his head up again so she could kiss him, he rolled her on her back and entered her in one swift motion, her growl of pleasure, vibrating around the room.

Hayley descended the staircase in the late afternoon a smile on her face, Rebekah coming out of the kitchen seeing her smiled,

"Someone's in a good mood, I wonder why that could be" Rebekah said slyly a glint of mischief in her blue eyes.

Hayley snorted at her, her eyes alight "We are one step closer to accomplishing what needs to be done." Hayley said happily.

"Yes Sister dear, The Mission, brings THAT look to your face" Rebekah shot back sassily with a smirk, walking on, smiling to herself, Nik and Hayley for two hyper alert creatures were blind when it came to each other, Rebekah's laugh rang out, the whole house could see it.

"What's got you laughing to yourself" Davina asked as she walked out of her suite of rooms.

"Come Sister" Rebekah replied leading Davina in her suite of rooms, "Nik and Hayley, they are oblivious and blind to their true feelings for each other, I find it amusing." Rebekah explained.

Davina laughed," Yes it becomes more obvious everyday, what do you think, should one of us point it out?"

"OH no let's enjoy the unfolding show, this is marvelous, and on a serious note I am so glad for Hope, that her parents are together that they will raise her together." Rebekah said with joy.

"Yeh, they had a rocky start last time, I always thought Hayley was Klaus's wife, I saw the vision, I was always so surprised she was with Elijah." Davina whispered the last part, relaxing back on the sofa, "But then I was so caught up in hating Klaus and all the Mikaelson's, that I didn't think on it to long." Davina admitted with a smirk.

"We have come along way Davina Mikaelson, and love you were a young girl, powerful undoubtedly, betrayed by your Mother, and coven, hunted, so your throat could be slit, it's no wonder you lashed out." Rebekah said remembering.

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