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Klaus was burping 1 month old Henrik, and walking up and down the bedroom, as Hayley finished feeding Hope, putting Hope to her shoulder to burp her, they both heard Marcel's voice scream out,


Then they heard Finn shout, "CALL THE DOCTOR."

"CALL THE THE DOCTOR" Yelled Vincent.

Klaus and Hayley looked at each other and smiled,

There was a knock on their door, Hayley went and opened it, Kol standing there panic over his face, his hair standing on end, "Davina is in labour, it's too early, a month too early." He panted out.

"Breath Kol, I was early last time with Hope and she was fine, your Daughter is Supernatural, it is time for her to come," Hayley handed Hope to Klaus in his free arm, "Come on Kol , let me check on Davina." Kol looking gratefully to her and following her closely behind, as they left the room.

"Elijah what is it?" Klaus asked walking into the study handing Enzo Henrik to hold, Elijah looking frazzled and concerned, pacing.

"There was a car pile up on the Highway into the City, all Doctors are on call, we only have the one, they can send 4 midwives, but the one  Human Doctor running between 5 Women giving birth, is impractical and unfeasible." 

"Davina is in early labour the furniture needs to be pushed back against the walls and all the beds bought in here side by side then the Doctor can go from one to another, and the Midwives will look after each woman I will stay with Davina, Klaus there are expressed bottles in the fridge for our babies." Hayley said as Stiles vamped in and started moving furniture to the sides of the walls, having heard the conversation on entering the compound.

Damon, Camille, Stefan and Caroline, Bonnie had called them, letting them know all the Mikaelson women had gone into labour together, and that more hands may be needed, the four came vamping in along with Ansel, Enzo handed over Henrik to Ansel, and helped Stiles move the rest of the furniture clearing a large space, then the Guys went to the bedrooms preparing to lift the beds into the Study, Klaus, Elijah and Ansel and the twins, exiting to the drawing room to next door, to await the arrival of the next generation of Mikaelson's.

Damon, Stefan went to the head of the bed Keelin and Freya, were on, Stiles and Enzo at the other, they lifted the bed walking through the double doorway with Vincent beside the bed, on Freya's side, Bonnie on Keelin's holding her hand, whispering calming words to the two on the bed as they breathed harshly, and walked the first bed into the study, Next they went For Sage, repeating the same processes, Finn beside the bed holding Sage's hand as he did the breathing along with her, Caroline on Sage's other side holding her hand, coaxing her along, Sage's low moans filling the silence,

They went to Rebekah and Marcel's room next, Rebekah up and pacing her vampire face out, Camille standing to the side in case she was needed, Rebekah's eyes red and fearsome she snarled when the four walked in, the guys stopped still, held their hands up, as if to surrender, in no way were they going to tangle with an Original Vampire Woman in labour,

"It's okay babe, the guys need to move the bed into the study," Marcel placated her as another contraction hit Rebekah and she grabbed onto Marcel's arm snarling and snapping, when it was over, Marcel nodded to the guys to go ahead, and he led Rebekah, slowly out of the room, one arm around her waist, and walked her up the corridor, passing the drawing room Klaus, Elijah and Ansel looked and watched, they watched as Marcel helped Rebekah pace back and forth, stopping and snarling when a contraction came on, and stilled, Elijah was fascinated at the processes having never witnessed a Women in labour before, His own Mother had given birth in their hut, when they were human surrounded by the village women, the children told to go far away, he had always heard the screams of child birth but had never seen the women, he thought his little sister was doing remarkably well, grateful he was a Man just the same, and never had to go through this.

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