Chapter 2

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Back at ᓵ||∷╎ℸ ̣ ⍑⚍∷╎ᓭ Lysabel was in her office, which was surrounded by books, sorting through requests, some players were requesting upgrades on different servers, and with the test day rapidly approaching it meant that those who wanted to could ask to move up a level. There were 10 levels. Level 1 was assigned to those when they are born, level 2 you get to apply for when you reach your teens. Up to level 8 is just having to pass harder tests then when you get to level 9 you get put on a waitlist where if one of the council members died or decided to retire they could easily be called upon and level 10 was left solely for the council. You also had people of all ages applying, some as young as 20 and some as old as 170. Admins and watchers' DNA helps them live longer so most live to 200 but there aren't too many older ones since many died in the war which was 100 years ago. It'll be 100 five years in a few weeks and still, she had never seen her leader's face. Lysabel had fought in the war since she was 25 and it had been going on for millennia. Gryff had fought longer than her since he was older but they had both fought on opposite sides, they were both there when the High Leader had killed both sides' leaders and set everyone free. Most of the warriors didn't want to fight so when they died they laid down their weapons and cheered. Lysabel could remember the huge smile on her face when she cheered out for freedom. After that many people had turned to the High Leader for guidance and she said she would have a council with six admins and six watchers, not soon after that she had been chosen and had a whole new family.

She kept sorting out the request until her communicator started to spam, she swiped left on it and a hologram appeared in front of her. The messages were coming in from Via and Cirrus in the council group chat, she was just glad that the High Leader couldn't see the chat since at first, she believe that it was some sort of pranks until she looked. At a moments notice, she pushed her chair back making a few books fly off the shelves, but she didn't care one of her friends were in trouble. Apparently, Xelqua had fallen into the void, which almost gave her a heart attack, but then she found out that he had somehow appeared on the other side. He was unconscious and had a rip in his red sweater where a purple burn was visible, when the other found him and Blaze, being faster than Zyrex, had picked him up and started to head back to ᓵ||∷╎ℸ ̣ ⍑⚍∷╎ᓭ and Lysabel had every plan to meet them at the med bay.

When she arrived Neferus was moving around preparing for Xelqua. "Neferus. Neferus. NEFERUS!" she yelled out

"Sorry Lys, I'm just getting everything prepared or at least trying to," she said while still rapidly moving.

"You have so many medicines here. You really don't know what the purple burns are," Lysabel said.

She knew that Neferus only used this much medicine when she didn't know what was going to work. "Well, it's obvious that the burns are from the void and no one has survived it so we don't have any information on it,"

Gryff then swept down through the door, "Has he arrived yet?"

"No, but by the look of Blaze's tracker they are close," Lysabel said, who searched for them the moment he asked.

"What do you two think happened?" Neferus asked, "Since Xelqua isn't someone who just falls into the void,"
Lysabel never thought about that, she'd been too worried about Xelqua but when she thought about it, it hit her. How did Xelqua end up falling into the void and even stranger how did he get out of it? Her train of thought ran along the rails in her head until a loud bang was heard, Blaze had slammed through the door holding Xelqua, he put him on the bed and panted. Gryff had rushed over to Neferus and did what he could to help but Lysabel needed to know what happened. "Blaze what happened?"

"Well- Zy, Xel and I were flying since it's fun," he paused and caught his breath, "Then purple fire came from nowhere and hit Xel, then he started to fall and we all freaked out, including Vi and Cirri. We didn't know what to do then his tracker sent a signal from the other island over and I saw him and flew straight here,"

Lys thought for a second then said, "Wait outside for the others,"
"But-" he started to say since he wanted to stay by Xelqua's side.

"Neferus will do everything she can to deal with this but it'll be easier without the whole council in here,"

Blaze only nodded, knowing that he should fight with Lys, he closed the door on the way out but then they were a slight push against it, the others knew that he would be listening in but Lysabel turned her attention back to the unconscious Xelqua.

After a few hours had passed Xelqua had finally regained consciousness and the other council members pacing footsteps could be heard inside the medical centre and a flurry of how are yous came from Lys, Gryff and Neferus. "Wha- happened?" the dazed watcher asked.

"Xel do you remember anything?" Neferus asked him.

"I remember... Purple fire then I fell into the void. I thought I was gone," he paused, "Then there was someone else,"

That caught everyone's attention, who was this mysterious person. Xelqua continued, "They saved me, I remember they had white hair and purple scars over them... And they were a watcher who could fly in the void,"

Gryff couldn't believe it, he had never heard of a watcher with purple burns let alone a watcher that was able to survive the void. 

W/C~ 1021

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