Chapter 14

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"Are you sure that it's them?" Lysabel said the worry was still on her face.

"Yeah, it's definitely them," Zyrex said, "It also makes sense that we didn't recognise them,"

"How did you think of looking at old files?" Via asked Xelqua.

"I didn't," He replied, "They were at the table I was working at after I grabbed more files. I thought at first maybe I put it there, but then I thought it was one of you guys,"

"It wasn't any of us," Cirrus said, the rest nodded.

Lysabel went rigid, then soon did everyone else. Blaze was the first one to speak, "Guys... If none of us put it there then who did?"

Lysabel then said, "More importantly, they would have had to have access to ᒷ∷╎𝙹リ╎ᓭ. The only other way to get in would be if we had a hole in the barrier,"

That made every stop, just stop for a second. Someone, or something, had found their way into ᒷ∷╎𝙹リ╎ᓭ, and who knows what files or other books they could have found, some of them had ways to access the most powerful parts of the world's code or even some spells that haven't been used in hundreds of years. Heck, not even Lysabel knew the full expanse of the library since most of the books were brought in by the High Leader, and she had collected books from player, admin and watcher archives, as well as collecting most of the records. You could see the nervousness grow on the council members' faces, Lysabel was the first one to speak, "Did you see any indications that could help us find who it could be?"

"No, I don't think so. There were some smudge marks and some old looking hairs, nothing that looked recent," He replied

"We need to be on high alert," Lysabel said, "I'll go alert Gryff of what we found, and you can alert the others. Then come find us,"

Lysabel waited for us all to nod, then went off to find Gryff.

The group of watchers and admins sent a message to the chat that they shared with the younger council members to meet them in the common area. They arrived before the others and stayed in silence for a moment, "So how bad were the generals, because I don't remember much from that topic in school," Blaze asked the group.

"That's because you never paid attention in class," Via said.

"I still somehow got my work done," Blaze said, "Even though I don't know-how,"

"I don't know how either," Via said, "Though they didn't teach us everything,"

"We learnt about them where... Where Zyrex and I were trained," Xelqua said

"It was one of the many courses that they forced upon us, but the way they put it always made the watcher leaders sound like heroes and the admins sound like villains," Zyrex said.

Xelqua continued off the knowledge he was taught, "We got told about the bravery of our great leaders, and how the admins tortured and killed all of the soldiers for the watchers. They also called the High Leader a traitor of the highest regard, an enemy number one or a ⨅ᒷꖎ╎⎓ᒷ ̇/. Gryff was enemy number two for being the first to go to the High Leader's side,"

Being labelled a ⨅ᒷꖎ╎⎓ᒷ ̇/ was a term dated back to the start of the war, most often the punishment was being forced into the void, which from what Xelqua had felt, would be a slow and painful death.

"It was basically a bunch of ʖ⚍ꖎꖎᓭ⍑╎ℸ ̣ that we were fed, but most of us knew what was actually going on," Zyrex said.

Zyrex, unlike Xelqua, was raised by his parents, a watcher and an admin. That was also why his twin was an admin, a watcher-admin couple had a more likely chance to have twins, which would always be one watcher and one admin. He was a watcher and Xisuma was an admin, Blaze was a watcher and Via was an admin. "Both sides were horrible," Zyrex told the group, "Both sides didn't know what they were fighting for, and started fights just for fun, setting off alarms just to get bloodshed. During the final battle, the High Leader came in and killed the corrupt generals,"

"But now they might not be dead," Cirrus said, just as the other council members came in.

"Who might not be dead?" Hayden asked the group.

They turned around and saw the five coming in, "What was so urgent?" Kelin asked, unsure of what to make of the situation.
"We believe we found the people who attacked Hermitcraft," Via told them, not sugar-coating it.

"Who are they?" Erin asked, their voice going high pitched, "Why aren't we doing something?"

"Because..." Xelqua hesitated, still trying to understand it himself, "Because they're meant to be dead,"
"∴⍑ᔑℸ ̣ ↸𝙹 ||𝙹⚍ ᒲᒷᔑリ ʖ|| ℸ ̣ ⍑ᔑℸ ̣," Tory asked the group, worried.

"They're the generals from the final battle, we don't know how've they've come back, we just know they have. Lysabel went to go tell Gryff," Blaze said.

"Should we find them?" Neferus asked, thinking that was logical.

"Yeah, that's what we agreed with Lysabel about. Let's go," Cirrus said, moving towards the exit, with the others following.

All 10 of them met up with the two leaders in the council room, "We need to do something," Gryff said, you could see that he was the most affected by the news of the council.

"How do we find them?" Hayden asked, he was on edge.

"We need to-" Lysabel started to say before someone burst through the doors panting.

It was a watcher, "Why are you here?" Gryff asked the watcher.

"You're all here, that saves time," The watcher said catching his breath, "Twelve attacks have been launched on twelve main servers!"

12? Xelqua thought, either one of the figures was orchestrating two attacks or maybe there was another figure. All council members started to search for the server. One of them was Hermitcraft, but it seemed that the Hermits didn't know yet since it seemed that the attack was in the end. "I'm taking Hermitcraft," Xelqua said, racing to the Portal Hub, hoping that he could stop the attacks before anyone he cared for got hurt.

WC~ 1035 

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