Chapter 11

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Zyrex left the server almost immediately, and when Xelqua could get away, he did too. Zyrex as soon as exiting the portal flew towards the council, but he was being conscious about how he postured himself, he didn't want to cause worry. He flew straight through the open arch that lead to the common room. "Big figures! Lightning then poof!" he yelled.

"What? Are you high?" Blaze asked jokingly, not sure what to make of his friend.

As the others were leading Zyrex to a chair Xelqua came in zooming, "Can you explain why Zyrex is speaking gibberish?" Via asked.

"We need to call the council," That was all Xelqua said, typing into his communicator.

"What happened?!" Cirrus asked, you could hear the fear start to rise in his voice.

"Powerful figures just appeared on Hermitcraft, they threatened us to surrender," Zyrex said, beckoning them to come into the council room.

It took minutes for everyone to arrive, everyone knew that they wouldn't call an urgent meeting like this if the matter was not important. All had arrived except one... Lysabel started to speak, "So why-"

She was cut off by a call from the balcony, it was their High Leader. The High Leader spoke, "Tell me what did you see emerge?"

They were all a bit shocked, since the High Leader wasn't on the emergency chat and she seemed to know what they were about to talk about, "There were watchers and admins, but I didn't recognise any of them," Zyrex started, everyone in the room could feel the unrest in his voice.

"We were just hanging out when they found a way into the server, when they appear there seemed to be a flash of purple lighting in the north and a red shockwave to the south," Xelqua continued.

"They told us to tell the one who leads to surrender, so they could lead," Zyrex finished.

They waited in silence, both for the fact their words had escaped them and that they were waiting for an answer from the High Leader. Sometimes Gryff wished he could see their face behind the mask so he knew how they were reacting to the news, even their posture didn't give away enough to guess what they were thinking. "These people are our number one priority, they seem powerful so approach with caution. Zyrex, Xelqua, Via, Blaze, Cirrus and Lysabel will be on finding who these people are, Erin and Neferus you stick to your tasks to not cause panic. The rest of you will carry on, completing your regular tasks as not to cause panic. I will be watching for more disturbances, if you find something report back to either Lysabel or Gryff,"

Everyone in the room nodded to accept the instructions given to them, Zyrex, Xelqua, Via, Blaze and Cirrus came down to where Lysabel was waiting. "We should start by checking each watcher and admin profile to see if we can spot anyone that could have had the chance to amass power, then Xelqua and Zyrex, you will see if you recognise any of the faces," Lysabel told the chosen group, which they all nodded to.

"Let's go to ᒷ∷╎𝙹リ╎ᓭ," she said to which they started to move.

ᒷ∷╎𝙹リ╎ᓭ is the library that had books dating back to the first age of the war, 1000 years ago, which were housed on the right. It also held all the records of the admin, watcher and player civilization also since the first age of the war, which were on the left. When they arrived in the room, there were shelves going very far back. The shelves closer to the door on the left were filled with fresher files which were neater and the further back the dustier the folders and the yellower the paper. "Blaze, Xelqua and Zyrex you guys take the top shelves. Cirrus and Via you are with me on the lower one," Lysabel told us.

Xelqua started on the first high shelf grabbing about five of the files and then he flew down to the table. He opened the first one and read through. Xander Ares, the watcher had a decent level but they didn't match what he saw. Next was Tristan Allister, the admin who ran a small server, it wasn't them either. "Familiar face?" Cirrus asked, showing Xelqua a file of an admin named Bethan Mahogany.
"It doesn't look like them," He replied and Cirrus went back to work.

Xelqua could see how Cirrus thought that it could be them, after all her power level was high.

The next file Xelqua opened was a watcher named El Barnes, she also wasn't one of the people who attacked, but it made Xelqua realise how annoying it was that it wasn't alphabetical or even separated by admins, watchers and players.

Zyrex was also getting nowhere except he was showing his annoyance more, he finally got a chance to meet both his twin's and his friend's friends and it got ruined by some stupid people who thought, oh maybe I will use my powers to create chaos and hey maybe I can go to this famous server, it annoyed him so much. He grabbed more files and went back to where he was working. He opened the next file, Tobi Peters, player, so he just moved the pile where he put the other player files.

Via was working a bit slower than both Zyrex and Xelqua, while they knew what the mysterious figures looked like, and could just glance at the photo, she had to read their power score and the rate that they powered up, the hardest part was that most of the information was about a year old since the next census was going to happen not too long after the trials. She climbed partially up a ladder and grabbed more files, she flipped the folder open and read Dorian Wren, he seemed powerful so she decided to go ask Zyrex if he recognised the face. "Zyrex is this them?" she asked.

"No, too young," Zyrex said, still focusing on his file.
Via nodded and went back to looking at the many, many files.

They had been there for what seemed like hours, they had checked thousands of files, but it seemed like they didn't make a dent. Xelqua sat down back at his desk with more files when he saw a pile of files sitting there, he didn't remember putting them there and they seemed older than the other ones he had already looked at. He looked around but the others were too focused on the work to have come over there. There looked to be about 11 files, there seemed to be a white hair on the files, which helped make him believe that they were older. He opened it and the picture was familiar, he looked at the next nine which were the watchers and the admins that had infiltrated the Hermitcraft server. The last files sealed the deal, it was the watcher he saw when he was attacked by the wither, the one that he didn't recognise. He called out to the others, "Guys I think I found the people,"

This caused the others to come around, Zyrex looked at the faces and nodded, then passed the file to Lysabel. Her face changed into shock and she seemed scared, "These people... they are meant to be dead. They were the generals killed by our High Leader in the final battle of the war."

WC~ 1238

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