Chapter 13

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Still 100 years ago

Invisible. That was what Lysabel was and she needed it that way, no one looked too long at the girl with the green hair. She had been a part of the war effort for a few years now and she had done a few years of training beforehand. The admins were at their base which was the closest to the border between the two powerful parties. The army of the admins was greater than the watchers, their gene was more dominant than their enemies, but a lot of admins also lead servers. You had the option to leave and lead a server after ten years fighting for the army, which was an ideal option for Lysabel. She just wanted to be able to help people create a life that they enjoyed, but until then she had to deal with the endless bloodshed. Her parents had both survived their years in the war and had her and her sister. Her sister, Surrnina had died the year before it was Lysabel's term in the war, her family had been told that she had been overpowered while on patrol, even though she was one of the stronger soldiers. Not soon after she heard the news a delayed message was delivered, it told Lysabel about how if you show too much power, the generals will have it out for you and she knew that they were going to have her killed. She wasn't going to run since she knew that it would put them in danger. The message ended with telling Lysabel to not tell her parents and when her time came to serve, to stay low and do not use the full extent of her abilities, which included an ability to see auras. Since then she had taken Surrnina's advice, so she was invisible.

Each morning she fell into the crowd with people coloured hair tied up to not get in the way, yet this morning felt different for her. A certain aura seemed to fill the air, not one other admin seemed to feel the difference running through the world. She stuck in the middle of the pack for the regular warm-ups and stayed off to the side when it was time for the coding practicals, where again she tried to stay as out of the way as she could. The part of the world's code that she could access seemed to buzz, something powerful was coming, the question was when. She got her breakfast and sat at her normal table, one that was along the wall of the tent but still a few tables away from the corner. The table at the front had the five admin leaders, Lieutenant Generals Lorisine and Beldie, Generals Ediena and Kirenus and then the General of the Army, Vecoef. Not too long after and the siren blared out, an attack was coming.

Lysabel reading in her armour, then got her sword and shield into the ideal position and got into the army ranks, she saw a flurry of purple coming down from the sky, the army of admins all raised their shields to stop the immediate aerial coming down, but it didn't stop some admins from falling. Their blood started to stain the battlefield, all Lysabel was trying to do was survive. She also hoped to find the entity that the world seemed to sense. She specifically aimed for the watchers' legs, hopefully, to make them retreat. For a second, she didn't see the armies, but instead, a singular watcher with blue hair and the signature purple watcher eyes make eye contact with her and she felt that he would do something that would make a change. Both of them turned back to the fight. Then figure appear in the sky, they seemed to be a watcher, they had the powerful aura that she had felt was coming. A mask adorned their face, not a single bit of skin showing. "Listen," the figure said, all eyes turned to them.

A circle of land was now visible as both parties had formed a circle around the figure, "No more bloodshed is needed," they said.

Who was this person who thought that Lysabel thought? "Who are you?" GA Vecoef asked.

"And why are you siding with the admins?" The lead of the watchers, at least that what Lysabel thought based on their aura, asked, now coming to the inners of the circle.

"I do not side with either, I wish to bring peace. All I need is for one of each kind to surrender," the figure said

No one moved, no one dared defy the leaders, not in hundreds of years, but still, Lysabel felt she could trust this figure. She saw the watcher that she locked eyes with earlier, move to the front and kneel. He then said "I, Watcher Gryff Dirsu wish to end the bloodshed,"

He had made a gamble for change. Lysabel looked around to see the shock on the warriors' faces and anger on the leaders. She knew that this was the chance to make good, for her sister, so she knelt and said, "I, Admin Lysabel Yineria also wish to end the bloodshed,"

Lysabel trusted the figure but still felt as though the pain was going to come. No pain came. She looked up seeing the figure flicking their hand stopping attacks for both her and the watcher then the attacks stopped. "Traitors!" The leaders of both sides yelled.

They turned their attacks towards the figure, "Surrender so no more blood is shed. Please," the figure said

"What makes you think you can stop us!" GA Vecoef yelled.

"It's 10 vs 1, more if you count our armies," the watcher leader yelled.

"History," the figure said, "and dilution,"

Purple fire, stronger and darker than Lysabel had ever seen, brewing in the figure's hands. The figure's aura was growing. Their hands moved quickly and swiftly towards all ten leaders and in a blink of an eye, they all turned to dust. "I do not wish to keep this war going, the fight of the past is no more. I wish for both admins and watchers to live in balance and also to accept the players of our world," the figure said.

Soon you could hear clangs of weapons and shields hitting the ground, fear no longer showing on the faces of warriors, who now joined Lysabel and Gryff kneeling. "A council will be formed, that I will preside over. I will choose six admins and six watchers to join over the next 100 years of rebuilding,"

The figure turned to Lysabel and Gryff, "Gryff Dirsu and Lysabel Yineria, I offer you the first two spots on the council, as the Leader of Watchers and Leader of Admins, respectively. Do you accept?"

"Yes," they both replied.

A watcher in the crowd then asked, "What shall we call you?"

"Leaders what do you think?" the figure asked the newly appointed leaders.

"You're our High Leader I suppose," Gryff replied, with Lysabel nodding.

"I will be known as your High Leader then, Aleria the High Leader," the figure said, landing on the ground and having both groups move towards the north, land in between both kinds, wherein a few years would house a city for all in the Main World where there would be the first years of peace for almost a millennia.

WC~ 1220

I know some of this is similar but these chapters were more about seeing the past, the next chapter will be back in the present.

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