Chapter 6

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It had been a few days since Grian had met up with Astaria and the burns had almost healed, he was still weak but it would only take one more turn with the Dragon's Breath. He had gone to the desert to collect sand to restock The Barge, his shop for this season, where he heard a bang. He looked around and saw a wither sending skulls out over the sand as well as someone floating behind it, but he couldn't recognise the face. He glanced at his communicator, no one mentioned anything about summoning a wither so he sent a message:

<Grian> Did anyone summon a wither in the desert?

<Tango> Not me

<Xisuma> Not me either...

Strange... Grian decided to go over and try and get rid of it, when he got closer the health bar appeared so he got his diamond sword ready to attack. He kept hitting it but the health bar only went down half as much as it should have. During the healing time he tried really hard not to die so the injury wouldn't get any worse but there was something off about this wither. There was a certain magic about it, which was more than its health. It had a permadeath aura. ᓭ⍑╎ℸ ̣ Xelqua thought to himself. This was the third chance of permadeath this week and this time he couldn't get to his communicator to get help. He started to run away but then as he went to jump on a block it disappeared making him fall down, the wither kept sending waves of its skulls at him and he couldn't do anything to stop it.

Then a person flew down and hit the wither with a glowing red sword, which was an admin weapon. It was Xisuma. He finished off the wither with a few more critical hits. "G, are you okay?"

Xisuma then ran over to Grian, "X-ee-sum-a thanks for the help,"

"Come on I'll bring you to the Main World because that was not a normal wither," He said, picking him up.

As they came to the main world X opened up his communicator with his brother:

<Suma> Z help

<Zyrex> X what's wrong

<Suma> One of my hermits got attacked at the centre of town need help

Zyrex looked at the message and flew off towards the town's centre, from above he could see X waving at him and in his arm was a player in a red sweater. It was Xelqua. He flew down and picked both of them up. "Long time no see Suma," Zyrex said

"I guess it has been, thanks for the help," Xisuma said to his brother as they neared the medical centre.

Neferus was already inside sorting out medicine when Zyrex flew through the door, "Neferus, we have a hermit called Grian he got attacked by a magic wither," Zyrex called out placing Grian down.

"Got it, but you and your brother out while I do this," She called out, switching her attention to Grian.
"I know the drill," Zyrex said with a bit of salt in his voice since he wasn't allowed to be with Xelqua last time.

Zyrex was outside waiting when Xisuma spoke up, "Really thanks for the help,"
"Does this mean I can be unbanned now?" Zyrex asked jokingly

"You know as well as I do you're already unbanned, and I'm very sorry about that," Xisuma said guiltily

"Yeah I know, I've visited a few times, just didn't speak to anyone. Plus everyone still thinks of me as being the evil twin version of you. Which is only somewhat correct," He chuckled

"You should visit more often so you can change their opinions," Xisuma offered.

"Maybe after all these glitches are sorted out," Zyrex said, "Is there anything that you can tell me about?"

Xisuma thought for a second and then said, "Grian was the one who mentioned it in chat, apparently no one had spawned it. When I arrived from above I saw Grian land hits that barely affect the health bar then he fell right as I came down to help, even with my admin sword it took several swipes,"
Xisuma could see his brother thinking about what he said. That made him wonder how bad other servers were and how much the council had to deal with. He started to reach his hand out to his brother but then the doors opened. "He's okay," Neferus said.

Zyrex wanted to rush in fast to see how Xelqua was doing but at the moment he wasn't Xelqua but instead Grian and they had never met before. Grian was sitting up when the brothers came in, "Hey X-ee-sum-a thanks for your help,"

He then turned to Zyrex, "High Watcher Zyrex Void it's an honour to be in your presence," he said bowing.

Zyrex had to stop himself from laughing, he knew that this was the correct way to greet him but he had never expected his best friend to be the one to do it. From his angle he could also see a grin appear on Grian's face, meaning he also saw the humour in this. "Grian do you mind telling us what happened," Zyrex said trying to keep his composure

"I was mining sand in the desert when I saw a wither so I messaged to see if anyone else had spawned it, when I came close I started to attack and I noticed the bar was going down at about half the pace, when I fought it I felt like I was going to permanently die with how strong it was. I was running low on hearts. I started to run away since I had unequipped my elytra for the fight then a block that I went to jump on disappeared and I fell. I then saw X-ee-sum-a with a glowing red sword attack the wither. There was also a person floating behind the wither but I couldn't recognise them," he said.

"Thank you for the information that will be told in the council meeting tomorrow," Zyrex replied leaving, "Goodbye brother,"

Grian nodded at the information that Zyrex gave in return, knowing that tomorrow he'll have to explain more to the council, Neferus then said, "You're free to go but lay low for a while since we wouldn't want you back here so soon,"

More 'subtle' news is being delivered to Grian but he agrees with Neferus, he doesn't want to be back here any time soon as well. He and Xisuma start walking out, "So your brother is a High Watcher?" Grian asked Xisuma, trying to keep up the charade.

"Yes, he is though the others don't know that and think he is evil after I banned him," Xisuma said

"Don't worry I won't say anything, I assume you probably want to do that yourself," Grian replied

"Yes I would, thank you G. I do plan to have him visit soon," Xisuma smiled as they both return to Hermitcraft.

WC~ 1157 

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