Chapter 12

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100 years ago (was originally 50 but changed for timeline)

It was quiet, most stretchers had no move meant, but there was one young watcher lying with his eyes open. Gryff couldn't sleep, he didn't want to be there. His wings were tucked in to not annoy to any other parties, who could actually fall asleep. He knew it was going to be more gruelling days of training to fight an enemy which the watchers had been fighting for 900 years. Gryff bet that most of the general didn't even know why they were fighting, other than the fact that they could. Most of the watchers in the barrack didn't want to fight, he knew that for certain, but no one dared to fight the leaders. No one got a choice in the fight, all watchers entered one of the academies when their magic appeared at 25, which is about 13 years for players. After five years of training at the academy and graduation, they were signed up for the ever long fight. Gryff had been in the battalion for four years now, and still hadn't been in any major fights, so he knew his luck was running out. His eyes slowly drifted off to sleep.

An alarm sounded, not one of attack, rather one to wake up the sleeping soldiers. The watchers in the barracks got to their feet and started to prepare for a day of training, always training. Gryff was still tired, from not getting enough sleep, but he tried his best to not let it show since General Lueris was not the kindest when it came to punishments. There were five man leaders of the war, Lieutenant Generals Milpedo and Kiroe, Generals Lueris and Nierra and then there was the leader of the watchers, General of the Army Zoridaii. All of them didn't care how many lives were lost, all of them were cruel. The morning was always the same routine, a few laps of the camp on foot than even more in the air. Gryff didn't talk to anyone there, and no one talked to him. He was the one who always got blamed for everything, the one that received most of the punishments. He tried fighting back at first, but he had given up. "Come on Dirsu pick up the pace!" General Lueris yelled out to him.

He went faster keeping his head down, when they came to the final lap of running, his wings spread and flapped down with force to release him into the air. This is where is always made up ground, his flying, even though the leaders tend to deny it, was one of the best in the armies. Arrows came flying up in the sky, send by machines that somehow always aimed for him more than everyone else. When Gryff landed General Lueris came straight up to him, "Dirsu stop showing off, you're on laundry duty for the week,"

Gryff just sighed, getting used to it at this point. He headed over to the eating tent and got his morning meal, at least he was able to always enjoy this in peace. Gryff hoped for a change, he wouldn't even care if the admins won the war he just wanted to stop the endless bloodshed to the point where if needed he would surrender to anyone that could stop it. Soon all warriors filed in to get their share of the meal.

The sound of sirens blared, warning those that it was an attack. Gryff had however heard stories from the other warriors that the generals set the alarm off just to start a fight. There were blurs of purple wings getting their armour strapped on, Gryff being among them. The purple blurs moved to the weapon tent, Gryff grabbed one of the many swords lining the walls, he'd always chosen one of the generic ones instead of choosing one to be his. He didn't want to use the blade that was meant to represent him in battle. When all equipped, which took a very little amount of time, the watcher army took to the sky. You could see the purple magic spreading across the more magically gifted watchers, they were summoning withers that were deadset on the admins. The watchers armed with swords started their descent towards to oncoming army. It was a cloud of purple there to attack. The admins below raised their shields are the blades of the watchers came crashing down, red started to stain the battlefield, Gryff's mind went into a different place, he was not trying to kill anyone only trying to stop himself from being killed. He lifted his head up and in a moment of clarity his eyes looked with admins with light green hair, her deep red eyes showed she didn't want to be here as much as he did. Then a sword clashed against his shield and his mind was back in the fight, he was swinging and blocking, just waiting for either side to get off its high horse and retreat. That's all he wanted until he saw a figure appear in the sky, they seemed to be a watcher, but not one he had ever seen, a masl adorned their face, not a single bit of skin showing. "Listen," the figure said, all eyes turned to them.

A circle of land was now visible as both parties had formed a circle around the figure, "No more bloodshed is needed," they said.

Gryff wished that was the case but it never was. "Who are you?" one of the admin leaders, who I believe was the main one, asked.

"And why are you siding with the admins?" GA Zoridaii asked, now coming to the inners of the circle.

"I do not side with either, I wish to bring peace. All I need is for one of each kind to surrender," they said

No one moved, no one dared defy the leaders, not in hundreds of years, but still, Gryff felt an urge to finally end this fight. His legs moved forward until he reached the centre of the circle. It was now or never, and at least if this ended horribly he wouldn't have to face the war much longer. He stepped into the empty land and kneeled, "I, Watcher Gryff Dirsu wish to end the bloodshed,"

Gryff looked up to see the shock on the warriors' faces and anger on the leaders, then an admin stepped forward. It was the admin with the light green hair, "I, Admin Lysabel Yineria also wish to end the bloodshed. Gryff then could see a flurry of purple fire coming towards him, he closed his eyes, prepared for the pain. Nothing came. He opened his eyes seeing the figure flicking their hand stopping attacks for both him and the admin then the attacks stopped. "Traitors!" The leaders of both sides yelled.

They turned their attacks towards the figure, "Surrender so no more blood is shed. Please," the figure said

"What makes you think you can stop us!" the main admin leader yelled.

"It's 10 vs 1, more if you count our armies," GA Zoridaii yelled.

"History," the figure said, "and dilution,"

Purple fire, stronger and darker than Gryff ever felt before, brewing in the figure's hands. Their hands moved quickly and swiftly towards all ten leaders and in a blink of an eye, they all turned to dust. "I do not wish to keep this war going, the fight of the past is no more. I wish for both admins and watchers to live in balance and also to accept the players of our world," the figure said.

Soon you could hear clangs of weapons and shields hitting the ground, fear no longer showing on the faces of warriors, who now joined Lysabel and Gryff kneeling. "A council will be formed, that I will preside over. I will choose six admins and six watchers to join over the next 100 years of rebuilding,"

The figure turned to Lysabel and Gryff, "Gryff Dirsu and Lysabel Yineria, I offer you the first two spots on the council, as the Leader of Watchers and Leader of Admins, respectively. Do you accept?"

"Yes," they both replied.

A watcher in the crowd then asked, "What shall we call you?"

"Leaders what do you think?" the figure asked the newly appointed leaders.

"You're our High Leader I suppose," Gryff replied, with Lysabel nodding.

"I will be known as your High Leader then, Aleria the High Leader," the figure said, landing on the ground and having both groups move towards the north, land in between both kinds, wherein a few years time would house a city for all in the Main World where there would be the first years of peace for almost a millennia. 

WC~ 1455

Thank you everyone for 500 views which is like woah since I didn't think anyone would read this.

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