Chapter 1

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Taking Shots welcome to chapter 1 I hope you enjoy this little spin off of shoot your shot bye now. 🙃

Alex's POV 3 years later.

There's 3 different ways to miss a shot in basketball 1 you can hit ram 2 you can hit backboard or 3 you could just straight up Air ball all of which can cost you points.

The shot clock was ticking away fast sweat dripping down my face with only 8 seconds on the clock I knew I had to make a shot i held the ball tightly before going up and releasing it flicking my Wrist just enough to make sure it went in it rolled around the ram a bit before finally going in every one around me cheered my fans went wild and my teammates picked me up Chanting my name. That was the end of the game and we had won.

Once everyone had left I was alone in the locker room I changed out of my uniform putting on my black jeans white T shirt and my black lather jacket I know right basic.

I grabbed my gym bag and slung it over my back as I walked out went towards the doors but before I opened it I took a deep breath knowing that what was on the other side was a bunch of screaming fans ,paparazzi, the news and flashing cameras. I put on my shades so that the flashes from the camera didn't blind me to bad. I never wanted this I remember telling that to my father I never wanted to be a star but it all just happened so fast. See when Grace left I was hurt I cried all the time I couldn't sleep and I wouldn't eat or even go out with my friends after a while they got tired of it and came to give me a good kick in the ass.

After realizing that I was wasting my life I then Through myself into basketball doing the very thing my father once did I made basketball my life my friends didn't see that I had become addicted all they seen was that I was out of the house and out of the bed they didn't know that I had basically traded one addiction for another. I guess there's one good thing that came out of all of this Success. Now my happiness comes last no matter what I always put basketball before that.

I guess it's true what they say Success always come with a price in my case it was my happiness.

I walked out of the door and was immediately greeted by exactly what I said Screaming fans flashing lights and reporters looking for a interview.

"Miss. Andrews tell me what do you have to say about the new Rumor my Sources say you've been taking pills to Enhance your Abilities on the court" the reporter said as she shoved the mic in my face just then my Security came up behind me.

"I say Screw you and your Sources" I said before pushing her mic out of my face she tried to come back but my Security team stopped her my limo then pulled up in front of me and I quickly got in. Once I was in my driver pulled off.

My manager then opened some paperwork. My manager name was Mario white he's 43 years of age much older then me and probably one of the best managers you could ever have he used to work for my dad.

"So we should go over the up coming events for this week" he said looking at me.

"Go ahead lay them on me" I said slumping back in my seat

"So Tomorrow  you have 3 interviews scheduled"

"Could you go over the names please"

"Yeah sure first up we have Jenny's talks and laughs they just want an interview should I accept or decline " he asked

"Decline I don't have time for that decline all interview requests"

"You do know they won't stop until they get what they want right?"

"Yes Mario I do can we move on with the schedule" I said irritated she nodded

"Next we have some meetings with 4 companies all of which look forward to partnering up with you"

"Ok what else"

"2 meet and greets"

"Is that all?" I asked

"Actually no your family wants to know if your coming home for the holidays"

"Tell them yes move All appointments to Huston I'm going home" I said he nodded and started typing somethings on his phone. I leaned back and watched out of the window as we passed by buildings in more.

Grace's POV

I was at my desk filling out paperwork when I heard a knock on my office door. "Come in?"

"Hey Miss Miller sorry to bother you but I have bad news" my Assistant said walking in I looked up from my paperwork "what's happened" I asked

"One of your request has been accepted" she said

"Ok how is that bad news Marylen"

"It's been moved to Houston" she explained I was shocked mostly because that's were I was from but why did this damn person had to make my life so difficult for one meeting.

When I came to Paris everything seemed so amazingly new which it was I was so happy to be able to travel but I was sad about not being able to share this experience with Alex I loved her and I still do it's just that over the 3 years I've been here I had to set aside my feelings for the sake of my company and more I didn't know that I'd be staying so long but if I had left last year my company ratings would have dropped tremendously. See when I got my company from my parents it was in bad shape everything was falling apart I had to be the one to pick up the pieces. I kept in touch with my friends for the first week Alex picked up my calls and we talked on the phone but she never sounded like herself. I had went to the doctor for a check up as the CEO it's mandatory that I have one I ended finding out that I was pregnant I tried calling Alex to tell her but after a while she wouldn't even answer the phone for me anymore I thought we agreed not to leave things on a bad note but I guess she had different plans.

Danny's my 3 year old son no one from home knows about him and I can't wait for them to meet him.

All I could think about was her I wanted to be near her again to hold her and have her hold me I miss her kisses her touch that intoxicating smell of her. I miss waking up next to her holding her hand I miss her voice her smile just all around everything about her. I hated being away from her.

It's been pretty lonely here I made no attempt to make new friends or anything because I always planned to go back home it was like a dream coming here but now it's not what I want anymore what I want is Alex and in a week I'll finally be able to get that. I'm going back home and the company's coming with me.


End of chapter

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