Chapter 5

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Alex's POV

It's been fun I spent the day helping get everything ready for Christmas we decorated the house both outside and inside only thing that wasn't quite done was the tree that's why me Taylor, Hayden , Maddison, and Zaden was out at the mall getting decorations for it.

"Ouuuuuu what about this one" Taylor asked holding a half naked girl in a Christmas hat in her hands

"God you are so gay Taylor we are not putting that on the top of our Christmas tree you pervert" Maddison said

"Fine then I'll get it for ours then" she said folding her arms

"Yeah no mom and dad will not let you put that on our tree" Zaden said Taylor just huffed and rolled her eyes as she put it back knowing that Zaden was right.

"You guys are no fun" she said pouting like a child we all just laughed even Hayden cracked a smile.

After getting everything we needed we then started heading out of the mall as we pasted a music shop I saw Hayden eyeing a guitar that stood on display in the window of the shop.She didn't noticed that I noticed. We left the mall with a car full of bags. We got home and everyone went inside leaving Zaden and Taylor to grab the bags out of the car.

After setting the Christmas decorations for the tree in the front room we then all heard my mom yell telling us it was time for dinner we rushed to the dining room no doubt all of us having the same rumbling in our stomach we got to the dining area and everyone took a seat at the long table I sat in between Hayden and Maddison while Parker was on the other side of Maddison and Taylor was next to Zaden leaving my dad at the end of the table and my mom at the other end.

Parker reached for the potatoes but my dad slapped his hand.

"We prey first" he said holding out his hand for Parker to take he huffed but did so. We all then started to do the same everyone holding the person next to them hand.

My dad then looked over at Parker "how about you do it this time" he suggesting Parker shrugged

"Thank you for this food now let's eat" he said we all laughed as my dad glared at him. We started to eat making meaningless small talk to get to know each other. "So Hayden why aren't you with your family for Christmas" Parker asked.

"Parker!" I scolded

"No it's fine" Hayden said to me I looked at her Apologetically.

"My Parents are no longer alive" she said looking down at her plate.

"Oh god I'm sorry to hear that dear" my mom said as the table went silent.

"No it's fine they died when I was 6 years ago" she said dismissively.

Everyone was quietly eating or looking at Hayden Sympathetically. I wanted to shift their attention elsewhere as I seen Hayden getting uncomfortable. "So Taylor I heard you guys were spending the holidays with us what about Mr and Mrs smith?" I asked changing the subject.

"Oh they coming they'll be here on Christmas Day you know how they are the rest of the crew will be here too including Kim so prepare yourself for a lot more punches to the arm" she explained causing everyone to laugh everyone one Except Hayden I frowned at that.

After dinner everyone went they separate ways Taylor and Zaden went home for the night Maddison dragged Hayden upstairs to probably torture her with makeup and other things poor Hayden and Parker was in the front room playing video games my dad went to bed while I was helping mom clean up after dinner.

"Hey mom" I said She hummed in response

"What do you think of Hayden" I asked

"She's a sweet kid reminds me so much of Maddie" she said

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