Chapter 4

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Hayden's POV

After going shopping with Alex we were now on our way to her parents house I've never met her parents so I was kind of nervous. I sat in the car looking at my phone I've been getting messages from Mark all day.

The messages

Mark: "Get your ass home now"
Sent at 2:40

Mark: "you think you can hid from me!!!!"
Sent at 2:41
Mark: "I'm going to find you you little slut"
Sent at 2:41
Mark: "and I'm going to beat the shit out of you when I do"
Sent at 3:00

Mark: "I know where you are Houston isn't it"
Sent at 3:01

I sat there shaking preying that he don't find me just as I was lost in thought I heard a horn blow I quickly looked up we were here Alex got out and I did the same going to stand close by her looking over my shoulder afraid that he might be watching. Just then I felt an arm go around my shoulders I looked up to see Alex smiling sweetly at me. "You'll be fine let's try and enjoy this ok" she said reassuring me I gave her an small smile and nodded as we started walking up to the door I clutched on to Alex's arm she knocked on the door a few times and after the 3rd knock you just hear faint sounds of foot steps soon after the door was swung open  standing there was a little boy with the same color hair as Alex he looked like a boy version of Alex just smaller. The boys eyes widened at the sight of Alex and  he quickly ran into her arms.

"Alex!!!!" He yelled happily hugging her she hugged him back "Parker" she said holding him tight after a moment they pulled away and looked at me "Hayden this is Parker my little brother and Parker this is Hayden my friend" she said I looked at her a little confused as to why she didn't introduce me as her Assistant. She just smiled at me and I went with "hi nice to meet you" I said just as another person came to the door "Parker go get you stupid legos off the floor-" the girl said but stopped when she seen Alex.

"Oh my god your here!!" The girl said pulling Alex into a huge hug "I missed you so much I can't believe you got my Message" the girl said as she let go of Alex.

"Yeah I got all 40 of them" Alex said with a smile the girl then turned to me "oh um hi I'm Maddison Alex's sister" she said holding out her hand for me to shake as a pink tent spread across her cheeks when I shook it.

"I'm Hayden" I said she smiled and invited us inside. We all then went inside.

Alex's POV:

I was so happy to be home Parker was so big now he and Maddie are all grown up I can't believe I've been away for that long. I stepped inside taking off my jacket and hanging it up Hayden looked lost so I Motion for her to do the same which she quickly did.

"Where's mom and dad" I asked Maddison

"Moms in the kitchen making dinner And dad's out picking a Christmas tree Taylor's actually with him me and Parker have been tasked with decoration duty" she explained rolling her eyes at the fact that she has to actually do work.

I looked over to see Hayden shyly standing there I knew she didn't do well with people but I want her to be comfortable.

"Oh ok hey how about you take Hayden with you guys she could use something to take her mind off of things plus 3 is much better then two" I said

"Ok!" Maddie said

"Fine by me" Parker added Maddison then grabbed Hayden's hand dragging her away Hayden glared at me for a minute but let her.

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